Book News:

I finished Matched by Ally Condie last night!!! It was brilliant! I was intrigued from beginning to end, I took extra long lunch breaks to sneak another chapter or two. A world unlike any other sweeps you off of your feet and you begin to wonder what a world would be like when all the decisions were made for you. The time and detail that went into this story made it absolutely delectable. November 30th you better be at those bookstore doors ready to buy your copy. Trust me you will not be disappointed, the only thing you'll want after your done is the second installment!
Thank you Blue Willow Bookshop for allowing me to borrow the book!!!
Real World News:
I applied to college last night. Yup I took the plunge, I should start in the fall, I'll be a part-time student while I still work full-time. This will mean that once school starts I will have to ration my time more wisely making sure to leave blogging and writing time in the mix of all the other chaos. I know you'll all be there to support me!
Wonderful World of Bloggers:
DL Hammons has been busting his butt to have followers from every state and I'd love to help!!! He's done very well gathering as many as he has but he still needs a few more! I know those of you who can help will do so!!! So if you are any of the following states (listed below) please make your way over and say hello!! Make sure to tell him I sent you!
Alaska, Hawaii, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee & West Virginia
If you want to check out photos of the Tera Lynn Childs book signing make your way over to my sister Kim's blog (Under the Umbrella) she's working her way towards becoming a photographer! She rocks... trust me I would know... it's in the DNA!! Also Kristin Rae the blog buddy you met us there took pictures so be sure to check her out as well!! PS we saw Sophie Jordan there, whose book Firelight will be published soon!!
For all those who gave me awards, you have not been forgotten they will be added sometime this weekend or next weekend! I need to compile them and make sure I give some good shout-outs!
So how are you this friday? Any good links I should know about? Can't wait to read Matched?
I've already ordered MATCHED, but it's with my order of the final book from the VAMPIRE ACADEMY series, which isn't due out until December 14. And believe me, MATCHED won't be the first book I'll read. (but it will be the second). :D
You're so sweet to post that about DL Hammons. I hope he achieves his goal. The guy is hiliarious. :D
Have a great weekend!
Congrats on college!!! I took this semester off to write. I kinda miss it, but I'll finish with it eventually.
I gave (I hope) a helpful shout for DL too. I think it's so cool to have a representative from every state, I want to see him make his goal!
Great updates! Wish I could help DL but I already follow him and don't know anyone living in those states.
Congrats on college. What you going to study?
C x
Oops, I also forgot to mention:
Today's guest blogger is Faith Hough.
Congrats on college. I'm sure you will do well.
I will have to read this book. It looks good.
I will go over to DL's blog and also check out the other links.
So fun to talk to you last night.
Thanks again you are such a help!
Hey congratulations on the college enrolment!
Have fun and do well!
Hmmm, I know a few people in states down in Oz :-)
Publish or Perish
Jen that is SO AWESOME!!! I´m here for you as you go through school and job! I can even give u some tips: I also worked and studied for 2 years (Thank god I got the job by the end of my 4 year business degree hell madness!)
And dont worry, I had time to write and had a sociable life while doing all this, so, its all manageable!
I didnt add states to DL Hammons, I added countries! Two, weeeee! \o/
Congrats on going back to school! That's really brave and a great idea in this economy. Matched looks like a great book. It's on my list!
well done :)
I'm so happy for you! I don't think you'll regret your decision to go back to school at all. I'm going to be taking classes again this fall too--but resisting the urge to make myself major in English again, lol.
I"ll have to check out Matched--sounds good!
Congrats on going back to college! Education is great, and so inspiring. I'm curious too about what you'll be studying ...
Thanks guys!!! I'll be going to school for teaching, I'd like to become a High School English teacher, but first will kick the Gen Eds out of the way and make sure everything feels right!
Ha-Ha! Summer you are too funny! Can't fight what you love now can you!
Jen ~ I am in awe of the support I've received for my quest (your's most definitely included) and because of that I've decided to keep on going no matter how long it takes. It's no longer just my efforts that are involved. I've been giving out virtual hugs to everybody who's helped's yours (((hug)))...but they feel so inadequate.
Thank you for being a friend!!
I've heard so many great things about this book...maybe I should just pre-order it!
Thanks for posting your thoughts on 'Matched'. It's officially going on my waiting list! Congrats on school! That's awesome!
Another book to add to my pile when it comes out, thanks for the rec!
And congrats on deciding to go back to school...I know you'll be able to do it and find the time you need for the things you love :)
CONGRATS on your college adventure, Jen!!!
:D That's so cool you'll be starting college this fall. It will be at times chaotic but fun and exciting. I tried to be the Hawaii rep for DL (I did live there and still do in my mind) but I will have to search out a Hawaii person...they all surf though and don't like, blog? But I'll try, and so sweet of you to give us all the updates and links. I have an award for you on my blog (i think you got it already cause this award spread like mad this week) Have a fab weekend!
You will have an absolute blast! I've just finished my first year (Postgrad) and I'm loving every minute of it! It's scary going back to study but it's really worth it and the nerves pass really fast :-)
Good luck...I look forward to reading all about how you get on
C x
Congrats on applying to college! That's so awesome!
I've heard great things about Matched--can't wait to read it.
OMG SO JEALOUS YOU GOT TO READ MATCHED!! i can't wait to get my hands on it :D :D
and congrats on college!! SO PROUD OF YOU! :D
you must keep us posted!
Matched sounds so good! I'll have to get it when it comes out. Congrats on going back to school! That's so awesome Jen, you'll do great :)!!
Oh man, I want MATCHED. It seems like everyone but me have read it! It looks great! Congrats on college! You'll be able to handle it all; you'll find away...somehow I do and it's not that bad! :)
I love, love, LOVE that book cover!!
Congrats on enrolling in school - luck!
And what's more? Ally is the nicest gal ever. Very humble, but super talented. And, how gorgeous is that cover?
Congrats on the college decision. I'll be cheering for you!
Have a wonderful weekend,
What a cool cover for Matched!
Good luck for college! I'll be starting in the fall too...
Hi Jen .. thanks for coming over to my blog and the post - but you - going back to college .. well done - that will be fun .. sounds like hard work too ..
Enjoy the weekend .. Hilary
Congrats on joining college. I know you'll do great. :)
I'm still a teeny bit envious you've read MATCHED. But I'll get over it now since you said it's great. lol.
I love the cover of Matched! It's so pretty and interesting!
Good luck with adding college to your already busy life! I know you can do it - you seem like a very energetic person. :)
Jen - thanks for stopping over at my blog! I'm so excited because you seem so nice. Best of luck with the balancing act, I'm sure you will succeed.
Matched sounds amazing and I'm so in love with the cover.
You're going to college? Congratulations! What are you going for? Don't worry, you know we'll support you in all your endeavors.
Matched sounds wonderful. I can't wait to read. Way to go on enrolling in school!
Matched is on my wishlist!
Congrats on signing up for college! It'll work out - and education is so important!
Ordering MATCHED now!
Oh yes, I cannot wait to read Matched! I've entered several contests to try and win an ARC, but no luck so far.
Good luck with college in the fall. It will be a challenge, but so worth it in the end:)
Wow - college, Jen! That's fab! Congrats on taking the plunge. Is this part of project Jen?
Congrats on college, I think that is amazing!!!! Good for you darling:)
I am making notes on Matched...I really have to read it:)
Thank you for your lovely comment...Made my day:) I am following you,and I hope you will follow me too:)
Have a wonderful weekend, darling
Ooh, I'm so excited you liked MATCHED! I've been re-reading it, and it's really amazing. What I like the most is, strangely, not the romance, but the world-building; it's just so deftly and wonderfully done.
Congratulations on college! That will be a lot of work, going to college part-time and working full-time. I'm wishing you a lot of luck!
Never really thought about how many states I have. I am going to pretend I didn't read this so that I don't go all OCD on it.
I can't wait to read that book. I'm sure it's amazing like you say!!!
College.. that is exciting. I wish I could go back. Maybe someday. It's understandable that you may need more time with school, we'll be here for you whether you blog every day or once a week/month/year :)
Matched lives up to its hype. Now the waiting will be worse!
Good for you that you're going to college part-time. Good luck!
I do have a great link:
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