Monday, November 8, 2010

Blog Tour, Interview, Contest Love!

Quick Note: I'm being interviewed over at Garden Full of Lily today! Do stop by and say hello! Jennie is a fabulous blogger who just reached 1000 followers (so after my interview do join in her fab contest! Tell her I sent you, extra brownie points for me!)

Blog Tour Extravaganza!

That's right! I'm sure most of you know Tamara Hart Heiner, but incase you don't, you're in for a real treat! I've joined her blog tour, and within this blog tour we talk about a wonderful book coming out (HERS!) and some great giveaways! So let's get started!


Publish Date: November 16th (Pre-Order Now)

My review:
Terrifying, riveting, and jaw dropping. Jaci's world is turned upside down after a night out with her friends at a shopping mall. Patiently waiting for their ride the girls witness something scandalous and before they know they are kidnapped and fighting for their lives.

These scenes will keep you on your toes time and time again. Just when you think your heart has stopped racing, Jaci and her friends have done something to stir the pot. You root for them to escape and are terrified when you find out these men truly are out for blood.

The wild ride you are about to encounter will have your heart racing all the way until the end. This book will be one you think about for quite awhile after it's over, allowing yourself time to come down from the adrenaline rush. You'd be crazy not to pick this novel up!

And now here are the GIVEAWAY details!
1) There will be two book giveaways. Signed copies of Perilous, of course. All you have to do to get in on that action is make a comment anywhere in the blog tour. The is a Random drawing

2) There will be a Kindle giveaway. This WON'T be random. Kindles are kind of a big thing, so I'm going to make you work for it. The giveaway will be point based, in other words, whoever has the most points at the end of the blog tour wins the Kindle. The contest will run until Dec. 15, at which point all hopeful winners will email me at tamara at tamarahartheiner dot com with their points and their proofs.

Here's how you get points:
+1 for each comment on the blog tour
+1 be a follower on my blog (old or new)
+1 retweet
+2 blog about the blog tour
(You prove all of those by emailing me the links.)
+5 purchase the book; ebook or paperback, doesn't matter
(Email me the confirmation number of your purchase.)

Here are the links for all the other fabulous participants!


Vicki Rocho said...

I have a feeling I won't be letting my daughter go to the mall anymore!

Good job!

Christine Danek said...

Great review, Jen! My review be posted on Thursday. I will check out your interview--rock star.

Diana Mieczan said...

I love Tamara and the book:)
It was totally captivating (I read it already too)...Hope you had a great weekend,sweetie
Kisses and hugs...Yay! to Mondays

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Jen, love the review! Thanks for blogging about the contest. I'd almost forgotten. I'm part of the tour!! And almost finished the book! I can't wait. Nice job!!

Renae said...

Great review Jen and congrats on being near 1000 followers! That's amazing!

Angela said...

Awesome, Perilous! I so have to read it now.

Leigh Caron said...

yes, yes, a fab review and yes, yes, congrats on almost 1000 followers.

Nicole Zoltack said...

Wow, sounds like an amazing book.

Carolyn V. said...

Ohhh, another good book for my tbr list! I'm jumping over to read your interview! How sweet! =D

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Great review Jen, and thanks for the heads-up about the contest. I'm off to garden Full of Lily. :-)

Matthew MacNish said...

Sounds like a captivating story. Great review!

Jillian said...

Jen you go girl!!! You are a superstar!!!!

Great review!

happy Monday!

Creepy Query Girl said...

woah- book sounds good!

Sara B. Larson said...

Sounds like a scary book! Very interested in reading it. :)

Lindsay said...

Great review. Now I have to do some book purchasing! I'm going to need a bigger bookcase. :)

Talli Roland said...

I read this and reall enjoyed it! Now off to check out your interview. Happy Monday!

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

Jen, you're awesome! Thanks for the review! On my way to check out your interview!

Christy said...

Nice blog Jen. I loved that Perilous wasn't creepy or graphic yet still suspenseful.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

it's a great contest and a great book

Rebecca Talley said...

Great review!!

Anonymous said...

This book is on my Christmas list for my daughter. You are amazing at supporting others Jen!

Donea Lee said...

Great review, Jen - and what FUN for you!! Hope you have a blast on the tour - :)

Kelly Polark said...

Yikes! I like the premise; a scary trip to the mall!

Theresa Milstein said...

Perilous sounds like the perfect title.

You're being interviewed? I'm on my way.

Theresa Milstein said...

Oh yeah, I was there. I thought it was another interview!

Amy Holder said...

Fantastic review! Perilous sounds suspenseful & creepy (in a good way)!! And what a great giveaway to boot! I'll definitely tweet about it!

Congrats on your interview; I'm going to head over now...and I'll be sure to tell her you sent me.

PS: Love the Harry Potter countdown you have going on in your sidebar. :)

Susan Fields said...

What an amazing review - sounds like a great book!

LTM said...

oh! Love it when friends interview friends. I'll be heading over to Jennie's soon. I can't believe she's already over 1K... she was just at 100 like, yesterday! LOL! :D

And I've been hearing amazing thins about that book. It is so going on my list~ :o) <3

Tana said...

I was lucky enough to review a copy myself! What a fresh voice Tamara has. It's just the right amount of grit for YA. Loved it!

Jennie Bailey said...

Thanks for the shout out, girl! I love Tamara's blog and I can't wait to get her book! A Kindle? That ROCKS!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Super interview, Jen! Perilous definitely was a wild ride! I'll go check out your interview...

Unknown said...

Great review and a great contest. I'll have to check it out.

Rose Cooper said...

Awesome review! Can't wait to read the book. On my way to check out your interview next! Yay you!

Rachelle Christensen said...

I so wanna win this book! Can't wait to read it. :)

Abby Minard said...

Great interview Jen!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Great review! I've added Tamara's book to my Christmas wish list!