My Gal Pals joining in the fun:
Lisa Galek
Renae Mercado
Colene Murphy
Melissa Widden
Laurel Garver

Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five times winner of Witch Weekly Most Charming Smile Award. But he didn't get rid of the Banden Banshee by smiling at him.
This man knows what it's all about.
He's written countless books:
Break With A Banshee
Gadding With Ghouls
Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pests
Holidays With Hags
Magical Me (his autobiography)
Travel With Trolls
Voyages With Vampires
Wandering With Werewolves
Year With The Yeti
And can attract any young adult around (female that is) so why aren't we listening to him? Because he hasn't shared his secrets, luckily I've found a few secrets up his sleeve.
Always Positive- Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention, than by helping me to answer my fan mail?(Such kindness)
Great Advice - Fame is a fickle friend Harry. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that. (so true... so wise... so...)
Plugging, not a problem - Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club, to train you all up, in case you ever need to defend yourselves, as I myself have done on countless occasions. For full details, see my published works. (saw a moment and took it.)
Appearance Important - It's really quite filthy down here.(must keep those blue robes tidy)
Partier - Spooky how the time flies when one's having fun.(oh yeah, always making light of the situation)
Confident, lovable, well respected or maybe conceited, annoying, hated by many... yeah, maybe we don't want to take his ways to awesome, but at least we enjoyed him acting a fool in front of us.
Regardless the man has some flair, and I think as writer's we could find a little Gilderoy in ourselves when the timing is right.
All quotes found here.
That is just so wonderful:) Wish you a fantastic Tuesday,sweetie
This was fantastic Jen! Of course I knew all of your posts would be. You're keeping me on my toes this week!
Loved the quotes. I know this idea was supposed to ease our excitement and make the week more bearable, but it's doing the exact opposite for me...Friday can't get here fast enough!
Totally chanellng the Gilderoy in me! =D
A little more Gilderoy is just what I need. Thanks, Jen!
This is an interesting take on Gilderoy. I've always viewed him as the "what not to do." I like how you've turned his flaws into positive lessons. =)
I LOVE this post! I'm going to start plugging my book just like him everywhere I go. :P
Oh, Lockhart. He is quite the character. Quite the Mr. Priss among heroes!
This was one character I was glad got his own in the
As a writer, this reminds me that my characters will be most memorable when they are multi dimensional! As a fan, this makes me want to see the upcoming movie even more!! It starts here tomorrow already; I'm pumped!!
love love love love this!!!!!!
Great post! I always forget what an awesome bad guy Gilderoy makes. I just re-read CoS a few months ago and kept thinking, "Man is this guy a d-bag. Nice work J.K. Rowling!"
I think she said Lockheart was the only character she based on someone from real life. I'd love to know who that person is... so I can avoid him like the plague :)
You definitely made Lockhart more lovable. It takes a clever writer to turn his flaws into gems... nicely done.
I missed you yesterday.
I think Rowling said Gilderoy is the only character based on someone she knows IRL. How funny is that?
The only part of conceited Lockhart I'd emulate is his fabulous skill at creating great book titles. How could you not want to read _Gadding with Ghouls_?
lol! He's the funniest character, and what Laurel said just makes me *snort*... :D
hahah Love it!!
Ugh, i wanted to reach into the book and shake him. So annoying! But he was quite good at plugging his books :)
Good morning, Jen - :) Love this! So clever, so witty! Who can resist such a bumbling bad boy? I may just have to adopt his ways to awesome (minus the self-induced amnesia, of course)!
LOL, oh Gilderoy! My favorite line in "Chamber of Secrets" is the end when (SPOILER ALERT!!!) Ron's wand backfires on him and then as Fawkes is flying everyone out of the chamber he says, "Amazing! Amazing! This is just like magic!" That part makes me laugh out loud every time!
Oh Gilderoy. I love when he asks Ron if he lives in the chamber of secrets. I lol'd.
That guy was such a fraud and obnoxious. I think J.K. must have had a nasty experience with the same. A well written character tough and well acted.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Love all that Lockhart can teach us! Great post!
He makes me laugh so hard!
You rock and so does this post! We already have our tickets for the midnight showing on Thursday! :-)
Nice. Very Nice... :)
He! Another post of comic genius by Jen. Love it. But...deep inside is a real awesome. Be positive! You sneaky little witch, you planned that right?
Might have to try that plugging thing one day..."oh yea, your dog left with the truck and your old lady? Well I wrote a book so...yup."
we learn something new everyday, I cant wait to get on this HP train.
Ahhahaha, love this post!
Love this! Lockhart is one of my favorite characters in HP. Thanks for giving me a smile!
Lol, who could forget Lockhart? He's definitely a memorable character;)
Hee hee. He was an awesome bad guy. I can't wait for the next movie! We have our tickets!
Hee hee, genius post.
Not long to go now....
LOL--Gilderoy Lockhart!
And they got the best person to play him in the movie, too.
HAHAHA! This is hilarious. Finding the positive in everything. So good!
Even though Gilderoy is a complete and utter prat, not to mention a right awful git, you can't deny that the man is damn entertaining. And really does have amazing dental hygiene.
So, I've never been a Harry Potter fan. Never saw the movies or read the books. Gasp! I know! BUT, I love your posts!!!
I love the title for his autobiography - Magical Me. So funny! May have to steal that one.
LOL! Hmmmm...I'm not sure if the timing is ever right to find our own Gilderoy. He's such a fool! But definitely entertaining nonetheless!
HAHA! Dude. THANK YOU! This was freaking hilarious. I <3 you jen!
lol, another awesome post that made me chuckle.
Not long now for Harry!
Happy Tuesday! Am loving these HP posts!
So glad I made it by!
Awesome post. Keep up the HP love!
Love it love it love it! I watched "Chamber of Secrets" over the weekend so I've been thinking of Lockhart anyway.
Or Kenneth Branagh, whatever.
Lockheart is such a funny yet tragic character. I love him. Especially in book 5 and 6. Or was it just book 5? I'll have to check.
If only he didn't try to confound Harry and Ron.
So true. I always thought he'd team up with Umbridge or something. Both are quite in love with themselves.
He was totally ridiculous in the best possible way. I don't know anyone else who could have pulled off his character so well. Fun!
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