Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hot on Thursdays

Erica & Christy (visit the other entrants) had a fabulous blogfest and I had to join in. The rules were simple, share the mug you love to drink out of most. Here's the thing, I'm not one that regularly drinks hot cocoa, hot apple cider, or hot coffee. However, I am one that when the seasons come around (known as fall & winter people) I love to visit the apple orchards for the best cinnamon apple cider money can buy... and this is what it looks like.

Who needs a mug when you have an apple?! Thanks girls for the fabulous blogfest idea... and now, because I can't help myself, here are this weeks truths.

1. I find The Bachelor crazy addictive. Last week psycho Michelle wakes up with a black eye (I swear she did it to herself).
2. I finished my manuscript Monday. How did I celebrate? Baked cookies, watched the Bachelor and picked up Wake by Lisa McMann (classy isn't it?).
3. I'm a bad blogger. Apparently I am not able to write, read, and blog all at the same time. It makes me crazy. (I just realized I'm not super woman - I was disappointed).
4. I don't trust Dr. Drew. Anyone who visits The Bachelor and Teen Mom to give advice is a little shady (no offense Dr. Drew - you could be fo reals for all I know).
5. I fell into the trap of American Idol. Steven Tyler is ridiculous (and awesome). Jennifer Lopez seems a little too nice (not sure if it's a show or not), and Randy Jackson... why is he still around (oh thats right, they're still paying him).

Well it looks like TV was on the brainwaves this week. Care to add your thoughts?


Jessica Bell said...

You're not super woman? Really? Last time I checked you were ;o)

Unknown said...

You crank out those mss! Amazing. I can't wait to try one if those cookies.

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen! wow that apple mug is sooooo cool. i didnt ever see that before. for being super woman im thinking you are! youre a super reader super writer and specially a super duper blogger!
...hugs from lenny

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Oooh, an apple mug! How rustic (and tasty) LOL! I love this idea. Actually, I'm a huge coffee drinker and short of mainlining it, the mug is pretty important to me so this post is excellent. I enjoy hefty, handmade ones personally:)

Renae said...

Wow, I'm shocked because I'm pretty sure you are super woman.

I too have fallen into the addiciton that is American Idol. I didn't expect it to be the same without Simon, but the new judges work!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, that looks SOOOOO delicious! I don't have the opportunity to get that type of cider where I live buy I'm going to see if I can make it myself. Super cool!

Congrats on finishing your manuscript!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Well, so far Steven Tyler is the best of the three.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the manuscript! I'm so thankful I haven't seen an episode of the Bachelor or American Idol this season because I would have been sucked in.

Cristina said...

I too, am addicted to the Bachelor and I don't usually watch reality TV, but those crazy girls are just too much fun to watch.

J.C. Martin said...

AWESOME apple mug!! I might try having hot fruity teas in a hollowed out apple one day!

Unknown said...

Alas, I too have realized I am, in fact, not super woman.

I love those mugs!

Christina Lee said...

I love your apples!!!

yeah, I watched AI too-couldn't help myself!

Ciara said...

I watched Bachelor on a whim earlier this week. I thought the same thing about, Michelle. Crazy lady, run bachelor, run! :)

Thomasina said...

I love Sex and the City, and I'm so excited e! is now playing all the episodes in order! I'm also a die hard Real Housewives fan. I can't wait for the Atlanta finale on Sunday, and the reunion for Beverly Hills. Happy Thursday!

Hannah said...

I wake up disappointed that you're not superwoman every day. I'm not even close but need to prioritize yet again to finish my Ms. Wish me luck and lazer vision.

Diana Mieczan said...

This apple cup is just brilliant!!!! I need to make one too..hahhah
Btw: American Idol is amazing ...Im so hooked too!
Hugs and kisses, darling

Leigh Caron said...

Wonder if you can sip the cider with the cinnamon sticks? And Steven Tyler? What is it about his lips I can't take my eyes off of? Or imagine him doing something to me with? Wow, I just managed to end two sentences each with a preposition. Congrats on finishing your mss.

Dan said...

Love the apple mugs! That's such a great idea. I going to try that myself. Thanks!


Lisa Galek said...

Those mugs look delicious. The only thing better than drinking apple cider would be eating the mug afterwards (I have to find one of those places!).

Congrats on finishing! That does call for a celebration!

Oh, and don't worry, you're still a superwoman in my eyes!

PK HREZO said...

Well I must say I'm highly disappointed that your superwoman qualities are not rising to the task. *rolls eyes* LOL! I don't even get to watch TV. I can only keep up with kids, job, hubby, writing, blogging. That's it. Funny thing is, I don't really miss TV.

That cider looks delish!

Candyland said...

Steven Tyler is WONDERFUL, Harriett! WONDERFUL I say.

Jillian said...

Your comment made me laugh aloud haha.

Hoping the stomping didn't attract to much attention.

By the way, an apple as a mug! What a cool idea!!!!!!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

I visit the orchards around here but have never run across apple mugs. Unique, for sure!

Summer Ross said...

An apple as a mug- fairy creative! and so you Jen LOL.

Cherie Reich said...

Oh, wow! I never once thought of using an apple as a mug. I bet that is the best way to have apple cider. :D

Chris Phillips said...

how can you hate randy, dawg?

Alyson Burdette said...

Hi, I saw your comment over on my blog and thought I would say hello! That apple mug looks amazing. I want one!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

That apple-mug of cider is so cool! I want. :-)

Danette said...

Cute apple mug! I'd never have thought of it but it would be perfect for apple cider!! and great for a party. You don't have to worry about anybody breaking them, they all match and they'd be the talk! Terrific!

Carolyn V. said...

I love the apple mugs. It makes me super hungry though. =p

I haven't been on tv this week. Too busy writing. =)

Michael Di Gesu said...

Fantastic Apple mugs! What a great idea!

Now Jen,

I know you stopped by my blog yesterday and I LOVED seeing you, but you must make a special trip today. I have the Ultimate mug for any HP fan....

And no you can't have it.. it's MINE! MINE! MINE! lol

SO fun.


HowLynnTime said...

I love Your apples too, LOL you ask about my Blue apples...Here is the link...

They are also considered a reference to secrets, hidden knowlege in plain sight, the fruit sampled in a certian garden. They have been sort of a theme of mine for a long time. Mmmmm Blue Apple cider.....and congrats on the finish line! I love and hate finishing...the end means you have to sequel to hang out with them again;^)

Nicole Zoltack said...

An apple as a mug - too cool! I'm in the mood for apple cider now. And cookies.

Anonymous said...

Such delicious mugs. I love the! :O)

Tracey Neithercott said...

Those apple cups are a great idea. Adorable. Ah, it's making me wish for fall instead of the freezing mess that we have today.

Colene Murphy said...

An apple mug!? Leave it to you to blow all the other mugs away!! Now I want cider...

Steph Schmidt said...

I wonder how the orchard carve out those mugs. Better yet, who gets to eat the rejects?

jeanette from everton terrace said...

I've never seen the Bachelor or Teen Mom (is that actually a show?) and after being addicted to American Idol since the first season (even went to CA to sit in the audience one year), we decided not to get sucked in this year. Of course, now you've got me intrigued and I'm thinking I could just check it out to see what S. Tyler is like but I know it's a slippery slope from there.

Theresa Milstein said...

I've been meaning to check out the new American Idol. Is it on tonight?

And congratulations again on completing your WIP. YaY!

Brooke said...

Thanks for the follow, Jen. Can't wait to dig in & LOVE your sidebar inspiration :) Congrats on finishing your manuscript... and fwiw, I have a huge TBR pile of awesome YA that I haven't touched since Christmas because I'm the same way. Can't focus on more than one thing at a time.

Talei said...

Congrats on finishing your MS - and I love your idea of celebrating!!

And you ARE too superwoman! I'm in awe of how you keep your blogging updated daily my dear! ;) xx

Myne said...

I'm sure she did it to herself too, Michelle on The bachelor I mean, and Dr Drew, lol...

How did you do that to the apples?

Krispy said...

OMG, I want to try cinnamon apple cider if it comes like that! That's so cool (and that's a lovely pic too)!

I always have TV on the brain because I watch way too much of it. :P

June G said...

Yep. I definitely find it tough to work on my manuscript, blog, watch TV and any number of things pertaining to life at the same's comforting to know I'm not alone.

Thanks for dropping by my site Jen. It's always a pleasure to see a new (and old!) face. Come back and visit again now, ya hear!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

crazy ideas... and i am suckered in by steven tyler too. the show is great without all the babies. now they just need to get rid of randy... kidding dawg!

Sondrae Bennett said...

I want to know where you get the apple cider in apples! That's so cool! And I pretty much second all of your truths. Except superwoman. I still believe you are her. And trying to convince us all you're not isn't going to work.

Ellie Garratt said...

Love the apple mug! Very unusual!

My Mug

Ann said...

Oh I don't know, you sort of look like Superwoman from where I am sitting! I have never seen an apple mug before. How clever!

Golden Eagle said...

Cool apple mugs!

BTW, I love the new header!

Jennie Bailey said...

I have an uber crush on Dr. Drew! So much do I crush on him that I want to become a celebrity and then get an addiction so that I can go to rehab to be treated by him. Hmmmmm, I think my addiction will be apple cider in apple mugs!

erica and christy said...

um, this mug might just be a fave! very cool. my kids would LOVE it. yes, i confessed to watching the bachelor on my blog recently, too. i missed the beginning last week.... so she didn't even know how she got a black eye. ????? she's GOT to go. oh, wait. this is about the mugs. THANKS SO MUCH FOR PARTICIPATING!!!!

LTM said...

supercool apple mugs! Love that~ And haven't been watching much television, but that new AI seems to be a hit! :o) <3

(see how *not* excited I am? ;o)

Donea Lee said...

Mmmmmm - I would love to drink cider straight from an apple! Yum! I've got to go find me some! :) And I just can't watch the batchelor anymore...I know. But, no one ever really falls in love. It bums me out.. :( Congrats, again, on finishing your MS. You may not think so, but I'm kind of convinced you ARE superwoman! :)

Emy Shin said...

Ooh, the apple cider looks positively yummy.

And congratulations on finishing your MS!

P.S. I'm you're not a superwoman, I really don't know who can ever claim that title. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

An apple mug, how cool! When you are done drinking the apple cider, you eat the apple mug. Talk about easy clean up!

The mugs I use at home all have Christmasy themes on them.

Jemi Fraser said...

Love those apple mugs!! :)

I still think you're superwoman!

Lisa Potts said...

Those apples are too cute. I just noticed Easy A listed as one of your favs on your Blogger profile. I just watched it last week, twice. I will own it. SO good. I gotta, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta pocketfull, a pocketful of sunshine...
: )

Unknown said...

Hey there!
And now I found YOUR blog!
It looks amazing! I'm glad I found it :)
Congrats on finishing the ms! YAY!
*runs to the kitchen to hollow some apples and try to make a mug*

alexia said...

Love this idea! Never seen apple cups. Totally awesome and yum!

Anonymous said...

I love the apple cups.

I haven't watched Idol in years, but I'm curious about the new judges.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

Mmm, that cider looks amazing! Must try that with the hollow apple!

I second all your observations about American Idol. :)

Alexis said...

Love the apple mugs! and reality TV always seems to suck me in too that's why I try to stay away from it (with little avail)

Meredith said...

I want that apple mug! And isn't Michelle on the Bachelor crazy? She's going to start axe murdering the girls in their sleep, I'm calling it. Congrats on finishing your manuscript!!!

Heather Spiva said...

Jen, so that apple idea is the BESTEST idea in the world. Thanks for that. Your blog is hilare! Thanks so much.