Yeah. In my head.
So I read Anna and the French Kiss.

If you haven't, do it now. Seriously. It's addicting. Captivating. Guaranteed to Rock.Your.World.
After reading it I craved three things.
Romance (check. My husband is amazing)
A trip to Paris (Travelocity in my future)
A freakin' Panini (the way Stephanie Perkins describes it has me on the next flight to Paris)
The romance is the only thing I'm getting this round. I was happy to see that I could visit Paris (for 2) for around 5K which isn't completely out of the question. As for the panini, that craving can be filled. It just won't be like Anna's.
Do you experience this? Reading a book so powerful you want to visit that place to continue to experience the moments (or make moments of your own)? Where are you dying to go?
I think I'll hold off on this one for awhile. My 15 year old is going to France (Paris included) this summer and I'd rather not give her any ideas...hahaha
The painni is the EXACT reason why I want to go paris.
Shop around for flights if you want to go! I went to Paris in high school, but the airfare to London was a lot cheaper AND round trip. So I got to stay in London for a bit and then took the chunnel (much cheaper then flying into Charles De Gaulle) and stayed in Paris for a few days before going back to London for round 2 and flying out.
So if you play your cards right, you could get TWO European capitals for the price of one, but depending on when your return flight is, it may be a whirlwind of getting to see your top few destinations, but it's well worth it anyway.
I keep hearing the same amazing things about this book everywhere! Guess it's time I picked it up already! :) Stephanie Perkins' blog is so darn cute, I'm not surprised her book is awesome. Yay!
I felt this way after UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN. I wanted to sell everything and move to Italy and marry Fabio (or his younger brother).
All the time. Except, I can't go there in real life because I read fantasy. So, yeah. But I'm dying to go back to London and Ireland. I'd love to visit the North of England, Wales, Scotland, Italy, France, Spain, Austria, Prague, Greece, even Egypt. Yes, I have wanderlust.
I feel like this all the time! When I read Eat, Pray, Love I wanted to move to Italy and eat until my pants busted open. When I read Anna, I wanted to go back to Paris. I was only there for 2 1/2 days, but I DID get a panini! YAY!
Ooooo, I could do Paris in my head. =) I'd love to go somewhere warm.
I always do this. Then I'm so depressed when I look around and I'm literally "still in Kansas."
i heard a lot about this book. i might sneak into the bookstore later and check it out, even though I'm not usually into romance novels.
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to visit the Inkworld of Inheart. *sigh*
I'm lucky to have visited most of the places I dream of going. But I still haven't been to Egypt and I've been DYING to go there!
My problem is, I read so many paranormals I have dreams at night thinking I can fly, or have to bite people, or that I can cast spells (I'm pretty sure I was Hermione in a dream once or twice... but R-Pat was there and I'm pretty sure he was a Cedric/Edward hybrid).
Roamnce is my favorite thing imn the entire world!!!
a trip to paris comes in close second hahaha
It sounds great! I'm putting it on my reading list (since getting a copy from the library is much cheaper than going to Paris!).
Hawaii and Australia are two places I'd love to see that appear on my bucket list. :) And I AM a total romance junkie!
It's in my pile, ready to read! Can't wait! I have heard nothing but gushing over it. And...I really want to see Paris!
Paris is amazing, and I would love to go again :) Maybe I'll have to settle for the book instead ...
I thought Panini(s) were Italian?
I'm not sure this book is for boys (er, men) but I do see a lot of great reviews!
The boyfriend and I are planning a European vacation for next year - Seven countries, two weeks. I am beyond excited!
I've heard so many wonderful things about this book - it's on my TBR list for sure. And Paris -- oui, oui, you must go!
I have an award for you on my blog - hope you enjoy it.
I"ve read a lot of amazing things about ANNA, and though I'm more of a London girl than Paris, I'm so looking forward to reading this!
I wanted to visit Italy for ages after reading Angels and Demons. And I've been wanted to visit South America forever because of all the historical books I've read about that region of the world.
I loved this book!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I've been to Paris (more woo-ed by Italy). Didn't matter, she made me see it differently through HER eyes!
I've read several positive reviews about this book--not my usual thing, but I might just try it out anyway.
Oh, I love Paris sooooo much! And by default, I'd probably love this book. Sometimes I buy books set in my favourite cities!
Yes, but so far I've been unable to travel to a galaxy far, far away...
I've always wanted to go to Paris. And I've heard such great things about this book.
I loved this book so much.
I went to Paris briefly about 8 years ago (pete's sake has it been that long?) And I cannot enjoy croissants any longer. France totally ruined it for me.
I love when a book does that to you! But most of the books that I read don't have places you can actually get to. Middle Earth, for example. Although The Hubster, Diggity Dog and I did manage to find a hike rather close that feels like we're in Middle Earth. In fact, he has a day off this week so I think we'll take her there! Thanks, Jen!
I liked the book too. Most of all because it makes me want to go back to Paris. Tres romantique, oui?
No I need some macaroons and French cake cake cake!!!!!! Gosh, all this Anna and the French Kiss talk makes me hungry!
Thanks for dropping by, Jen! I wouldn't have as many Followers I now have or have the confidence I now have to blog (and pursue my stories; one query received a favorable reply) if you hadn't given me a shout-out last year. I hope everything comes up roses for you!! I heart you, too! K.
Alexandria Egypt because of the Alexandria Quartet by Lawrence Durrell! I'm determined I'm going to do even though it's not much like it is in the book!
I know the feeling! I've read so many books that have me yearning for Ireland and Scotland. Maybe one day . . .
This is another book sitting in my TBR list. /sigh
Glad you enjoyed it!
I get this a lot. I've always really wanted to go to Pern. Okay, I realize it's another planet and I realize it's a fantasy book, but I still really want to go!
Sigh...yes, all those worlds YA fantasy authors make up make me want to go there so bad.
I've heard such great things about this book! I've been to Paris and loved it. Hope you get to go someday, and I get to go back!
I think what's worse is when a book makes you wish you could go to a place that doesn't really exist. Like Hogwarts, or the world Cassandra Clare creates in The Mortal Instruments series. I get so wrapped up in these fantasy worlds sometimes. I think it would take more than 5k to get there though. :)
I loved it also. Such a fantastic, easy to read book. I read it in one day, literally couldn't put it down!
Get your butt over here. I'm having a party. Seriously! A big party...
Anne of Green Gables did that for me first, back in the day. I've been wanting to go to PE Island for decades.
have it on my kindle, but it's behind two other books... can't wait! :D
This book is just one of my instant favorites!!! And I so want a panini. And Paris. And Etienne. :)
I've heard nothing but great things about this book! I seriously cannot wait to pick it up :) thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! and let me know how your trip to Paris goes... Maybe you can give me some travel tips cause I plan to go soon too :)
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