Monday, January 17, 2011

rocking YOUR world

So I found something awesome. A serious dose of awesome. It's going to rock YOUR world (so keep reading).
Here's the thing. When I find awesome I have to share.

So... this is me sharing.

100 words or $100 Blog fest. Elena Solodow's (over at You're Write. Except when you're Rong) brilliant plan to get us writers to shed some major wordage for some major dough.

She's a kick ass blogger. Her personality and sarcasm (and kick ass vlogs) leaves me satisfied with every post. If you don't know her you need to change that and fast!

For now I leave you with my 100 words for the fun competition. Enjoy :)

I stood in front of the mirror, staring at myself, the train laid delicately along the wood flooring, the perfect shade of white, a splash of color with the sapphire ring and necklace, my hair made up of messy curls underneath the handmade veil, everything ruined so quickly, mascara running down my cheeks, bridesmaids in a panic and all the parents hollering back at who’s to blame; I find a bench right outside my dressing room, it wasn’t supposed to be like this, we were supposed to be married, instead he left me to clean up what was supposed to be our wedding day.


Vicki Rocho said...

I'm such a dolt, when I read train I was thinking of a locomotive, not a dress. And this is after watching a thousand wedding/dress themed shows this weekend.

Jerry Carlin said...

Well, now you've got me hooked! Does he die? Is it the sister, younger, a bit prettier in that dainty sort of way?
Your blogs are always so pleasent. I am trying to start a fight on mine!

Leigh Caron said...

Powerful sentence, Jen. And I think I'm gonna one too over at Elana's blog. thanks.

Katie O'Sullivan said...

LOL- I'm with Vicki and had to reread it a few times before I realized what kind of train it was! ...And then I thought, "Wow, what a great sentence." ;-)

Stina said...

Wow, the suspense in just 100 words. I hope you win, Jen! :D

I'm off to check out Elana's blog. Not that I'm planning to enter.

Christine Danek said...

Great job, lady! Nice hook.

Diana Mieczan said...

OMG I want to know more...please! That is such a great piece. Happy Monday,sweetie pie and thank you again for the giveaway win...Im so happy...yay!!!

Elena Solodow said...

Came and saw, Jen. Thanks for entering!

... Paige said...

funny how the number 100 sounds...high and long to get to, but then I read your prose and it was not near long enuf.

Poor bride, where ta heck did he go? OH, and Why?

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Love that!! I'm doing it too. I thought it was a great idea. Elena is wonderful.

Christine Fonseca said...

AWESOME! Makes me totally want more.

Jillian said...

Oh my goodness I want to cry. I love wedding stories, but this one went terribly wrong. I want to know the rest.

Great writing... as usal hehe

Angela said...

100 words of awesome!

Candyland said...

This is a good one. I signed up but I'm not sure what to use my 100 words on:/

Nicole Zoltack said...

Oh, that's a great entry! There's a whole story in that 100 words.

Joanne said...

It's amazing how effective a few words can be, holding a whole story in them. Great job!

Ellie Garratt said...

Ooo..that was a wow entry. It didn't seem like a 100 words at all and I loved the way the suspense built up!

Donea Lee said...

Great entry! I already did mine - but, I'll have to go see what that pot's up to now! :)

Unknown said...

You have such a beautiful opening and then the twist at the end. Fantastic!

LTM said...


just kidding! I mean, not really, but that's an awesome 100 words! It's a drabble, right? Totally cool~ xoxo <3

Danyelle L. said...

Awesome 100 words! I love how you captured the flavor and mood so perfectly!

Talli Roland said...

Wow, what a powerful 100 words, Jen! Great vignette.

Happy Monday!

Matthew MacNish said...

How sad! Poor bride. Well done Jen.

nutschell said...

Okay, now I have to find out what happens to her. Awesome work on the 100 words. Jen Bailey (Garden of Lily) told me to check out your blog and I'm ever so glad I did. This is a rockin' website!

Melissa Hurst said...

Oh wow, that's a great sentence! I hope you win!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I picked up on the dress!

Meredith said...

Aw, so sad! I love the image of mascara running down her face to clue you in that something's wrong. What a great, powerful sentence!

Carolyn V. said...

Ouch! That is so sad. Great 100 words! Good luck Jen!

Jennie Bailey said...

Nice twist at the end! You rocked as always!!

Stephanie said...

LOVE it!!!! I am a sucker for anything wedding-related, even if it ends sadly!

Sondrae Bennett said...

Great job! I'm amazed at what you did with just 100 words!

Jen said...

Oh wow, this is gorgeous girl! You've got some talent! And what a fun idea. I'll have to check out Elena's...

Happy Monday Darling! xo

Jai Joshi said...

I love that 100 word piece. I was feeling so sorry for that poor girl!


Kimberly Franklin said...

Poor, poor girl. YOu did a fabulous job! :)

Abby Minard said...

Great job- sad and profound!

Unknown said...

There's an award for you on our blog!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

hard to believe that's just one sentence. Nice work!

Colene Murphy said...

Wow! Nice job!! Elena is full of serious awesomeness!

Liz P said...

Great job! It sounded so nice in the beginning, then got so sad...

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Okay Jen, as usual you left me wanting more. So many places to o with that tale.

Anonymous said...

Great job of engaging the reader. With only 100 words to work with you have to hook them and using emotions in this scenario works so well. I'm already mad and want to kick this guys @$$!

Melissa said...

You nailed this 100 word sentence jen. You did such a good job with this one!

Jemi Fraser said...

Very nice!! You totally set the scene and the character :)

Jennifer Hillier said...

Wow! Great job, Jen! Didn't see that ending coming. This was fantastic.

Anonymous said...

That is so sad and lovely. Great job, Jen!

alexia said...

Awesome teaser! Painted a detailed picture.

Samantha Vérant said...

You totally rock my world! And nice! I'm digging your 100 word sentence. Like the sapphire ring!