Sunday, January 30, 2011

Special Announcement!

Blue Willow Bookshop is at it again!!!

There is an upcoming author even for anyone in the Houston area and I really think you'd be a FOOL to miss this!!!

Lauren Oliver is in town for Delirium!

Thursday, February 3rd

7 p.m.

To meet the author and grab yourself a signed copy of Delirium just be sure to purchase a copy of Delirium at Blue Willow Bookshop!

They are the sweetest people around! For more upcoming author events just hit the Blue Willow tab on my blog!!


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

There are times I wish I lived over there... this is one of them. You lucky lucky thing you!

Theresa Milstein said...

Lucky people in Houston. I'm looking forward to reading this book.

Rebecca Bradley said...

I obviously can't get, but hoping the signing goes really well!

Gina said...

I can't wait to read this book!! It looks so good!

xo, gina

Heather said...

I wish I was going to be in the area! That would be excellent to go to. Have fun!

Jemi Fraser said...

Wish I could go - but it's a pretty long road trip from Canada :)

Guinevere said...

Oh wow, I wish I lived in the Houston area! That sounds like an awesome event (for an author I love and a book I want to read!).

Janet Johnson said...

Wish I could go! (Though, do you mean February?)

Meredith said...

Absolutely can't wait!!! I'm so excited for this one!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I'm not even close to TX... I hope everyone that goes has a great time.

Jolene Perry said...

Yeah, sure I'll drive on down. It can't be more than like, 3,000 miles???
Hope you have fun!!
We'll have to live vicariously through you ;)

Leigh Caron said...

Wish there was a Blue Willow Bookshop in my town. Looks like they really support authors.

Cherie Reich said...

Very cool! People should go. I saw Lauren Oliver at the James River Writers Conference in October, and she's definitely worth hearing and meeting.

Alyson Greene said...

I'm excited about this, hope to see you there!