Thursday, January 13, 2011

Truth Thursday's!

You know. That day where everyone tells the truth no matter how insane it is. Yes. I command you (okay so not really) but I hope that you feel we are in the circle of trust. What you say doesn't leave this blog (unless it's laugh out loud funny... then I tell my husband. But that's it. Okay so maybe my cats too).

Share something about yourself. Something that's only true today, was last week, or always has been.

1. I have a Tuesday outfit. Not a Monday, Wednesday - Sunday outfit schedule. Just a Tuesday. I can't explain it but when it's dirty I'm very upset. (long live Tuesday outfit day!)
2. I laugh in my sleep. You knew I was weird already don't start running and screaming away now (actually do that, makes for a better story). I have woken myself up from a severe case of the giggles.
3. I have trouble choosing what to eat for breakfast. It must drive my husband crazy, though he never says anything (he's sweet like that). One day it might be muffins, the next cinnamon toast. Regardless whatever it is I want we won't have. Guaranteed.
4. I like cheap fruit snacks. Kellogs and Betty Crocker step aside because Wal-mart is top dog in this neck of the woods (really it has to do with humidity... guess the cheap ones are harder to begin with so don't soften as quickly).
5. I wear leopard slippers around the house. I like how cozy they make me feel. (don't judge).

So... I shared... now it's your turn!


Theresa Milstein said...

A Tuesday outfit. That's funny because I try to make sure I don't wear the same outfits on the same days.

I have a few stuffed animals on my bed, courtesy or my children who have decided there's nothing more I'd want for a gift than stuffed animals. Sometimes I rub their heads before I go to bed.

And when I use the pepper mill in recipes, I always sound the number of turns, and must always stop on an even number.

Truthful (crazy) enough for you?

Jessica Bell said...

You have a tuesday outfit? hahaha. Sorry. *Ahem*. My truth: I hate clothes. You can read all about it on my blog today ;o)

Leigh Caron said...

Funny, what happens when you sleep. I too have giggled, and cried, and ah hem! Perhaps I should wear P.J.'s. I've only told you this 'cause you commanded.

Su said...

I love the Tuesday outfit, mostly because in high school my friends & I declared Wednesday to be hot pink underwear day. I kind of miss it.

Diana Mieczan said...

Hahha...I started to use soy milk instead of the regular milk and I love it so far. Also, today Im planning to have apple oatmeal for lunch...Yes, lunch!!! hahah
Hugs and kisses, darling

Angela said...

I wear jeans pretty much everyday, because I'm too lazy to dress up anymore.

Bish Denham said...

LOL! A Tuesday outfit. Is it just for around the house or do you go out in it?

I wear what my mother always called houserags. Since I could easily spend the day in my pjs I have to change into something...but it has to be comfortable and is never seen in public.

Anonymous said...

I kind of like the idea of Tuesday outfit. Another thing I could do to organize my week so I hardly have to think! I suffer from calender addiction but, hey, it kind of works, when I actually find time to do my work between organizing all my tasks.

Summer Ross said...

every morning I check my blog, not always my e-mail- but I do check my blog and other bloggers.

Ashley Stone said...

funny, my husband laughs in his sleep too. Glad you all are having fun in your sleep!! : )

Jillian said...

My husband asked me if I was going to pass my baby blanket along to our child (yes i still have it... and a night light haha)

I told him that I wanted to get our baby a special blanket of their own.... really I just don't want to give mine up.


happy Thursday

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

I wrote a sappy post today on my own blog, so I'm glad to come here and share my truth~ here goes.

I gave birth to Stella on December 13th. Number of times I've shaved my legs since then?


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Truth-I have three different versions of Pride and Prejudice on DVD and I watch at least one of them every week.

Meredith said...

Love that you have a Tuesday outfit! I have a shirt that I wear about twice a week (if I do laundry often enough). It's just a simple gray shirt, but it's comfy!

Diane said...

You and your husband must be perfect for each other... how cute!

I love bathroom humor and anything that should or does occur in a bathroom..... enough said. :O)

Brigitte said...

i'm glad your husband accepts you the way you are, despite your silly quirks! xD
also, cheap fruitsnacks are awesome. since i started living in the city, i always carry two or three with me and give them to the homeless that i pass along the way. it feels good. (:

Kelley Vitollo said...

I don't eat bread. Not because of the carbs, but because the texture grosses me out. LOL. It makes me gag and people think its weird. ;)

Isabella Kiss said...

thanks for checking out my blog. like yours! always nice to find fellow writers!

keishua said...

I have trouble decided what to eat for dinner. I talk in my sleep at times. I like berries, way to much. I have a sick outfit, a sexy outfit and I mean business outfit!

Colene Murphy said...

Hahaha! Tuesday outfit. That makes you even more awesome. And walmart gummie snacks are the best!! NOM!

Melissa Gill said...

You crack me up. I can't believe you giggle yourself awake at night. Too funny.

I need those leopard slippers to go with my leopard snuggy!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

LOL. You are too cute, Jen!

I am a major fan of naps. Not short ones--I'm talking 2-3 hour naps of pure bliss. My favorite days are the ones when I never have to shower and can stay in my PJ's all day long! :-)

Candice said...

I usually laugh hysterically before I start crying. It's a weird precursor thing...I feel so exposed. :)

Christina Lee said...

LOLOLOL!!!! I love that you have a Tuesday outfit! Is there somebody you only see on Tuesdays and they think that's the only outfit you own? hahahaha *hugs*

LTM said...

cheap fruit snacks are awesome. There is no judgment here... OK, my truth = I go for shocking periods of time w/o shaving my legs when it gets cold.

what? don't judge me until you've tried to shave goosebumps. :D lol~

Talli Roland said...

I can just picture you giggling in your sleep!

A few weeks ago I ate an entire package of After Eights in one sitting. Erghhhhh...

Southpaw said...

The Tuesday outfit cracks me up.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I eat the same thing for breakfast everyday - a food bar. My brain just doesn't work at six in the morning.
Truth - I'm a compulsive hand washer.

Chris Phillips said...

my wife laughs in her sleep. It is SO weird.

Golden Eagle said...

I used to have a Wednesday outfit--really! So I can understand a Tuesday outfit. :D

Matthew MacNish said...

Hmm. Apparently I talk a lot in my sleep, but I wouldn't know for sure - because I'm asleep at the time.

Kristin Rae said...

Often when I am falling asleep, I have a song in my head and I'll JUST fall asleep, then part of the song comes out of my mouth and wakes everyone up. :)

BK Mattingly said...

My confession: I'm in college and my favorite thing about that is that I get to have a bunk bed :D

Candice said...

Teenage Bride, I feel ya. I have a teddy bear I sleep with every night. Husband wants me to give it to the baby, but I just can't! The family always joked I would get married/have kids with the bear nearby....I don't think its that funny! lol

I NEVER want what is in our pantry/fridge no matter what day of the week it is. If we don't have it, my husband says, THAT's what I want. He always says, "Sweety, you make the grociery list. Please put stuff on it you like." lol.

Unknown said...

Tuesday outfit, LOL. My truth is: revisions are running my life and I'm forgetting to do everything my family asks.

Ann said...

I don't get dressed until after 1PM on a Friday. It is my writing, blogging and reading day. As a result I won't answer the door or the phone. I know no-one can see me through the phone, but I am just that way.

I have a good luck outfit. Stop laughing! I am only telling you because you have a Tuesday outfit. :)

Jai Joshi said...

My truth is, I'm the lowest weight I've been in weeks but I feel fatter than I did last week. It could be that my muscles are turning flabby and that's what's bothering me. Haven't done much exercise because of the cold. Urgh.


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

you wear leopard slippers??? I wear cow slippers ;)

Emy Shin said...

It's awesome that you have a Tuesday outfit! And I can definitely understand having trouble choosing what to eat for breakfast.

Aleta said...

I don't have an outfit for a weekday, but I have a color. Black on Monday. Always black. It's a Garfield feeling... don't like Mondays and don't like mornings. Lol.

Nicki Elson said...

My kids love the Wal-Mart fruit snacks best too! The smiley face ones, right? So they're going strong in the frigid north too.

Okay for my truth, which seems to have been the case ever since I started driving - I can't park a car if it involves turning right. I can get the car in there eventually, but it takes several back-ups & readjustments, so I almost always park on the left side. There, are you happy now?

Nicole Zoltack said...

A tuesday outfit? That's a new one. :) Most days, I don't change out of my pj's unless company's coming over. Not sure if that's because my pj's are so darn comfy or if I'm just too lazy to get changed.

Abby Minard said...

Good truths Jen!

Okay, here's mine:

I don't feel truly comfortable at home unless I'm in my pj's and comfy socks. I have to change into them right away when I get home from work. Like before I even pee, I need to be in my comfy clothes.

Anonymous said...

I want to know what your Tuesday outfit consists of!

My truth? While I love a cute shoe as much as the next girl, if I could, I wouldn't wear shoes at all. Ever. I LOVE being barefoot.

Carolyn V. said...

Oh Jen, those are awesome. I have a leopard strap that I hang my keys on (so I feel cool and young). =)

Unknown said...

For character development ideas, I am compiling a list of things people do that make them unique, quirks, if you will. And Tuesday outfit is definitely going on the list. Love it!

My oddity: I can hear a snippet of a song on the radio or overhead in a store and ten minutes later, when we're nowhere near the music, I'll automatically start singing the song without realizing I'm doing it. Every time. *grin*


DL Hammons said...

I have ape toes! That's right, my second toes hooks towards my big toe and looks very similar to how a monkee or apes toes look. Ironincally, my nickname in fifth grade...Monkee!