Thursday, June 9, 2011

Roller Derby Pen Habits

If you're confused this is Truth Thursdays. I just thought that Roller Derby Pen Habits would really entice every reader. If I'm wrong I apologize, then again if you're reading this there really is no need. Carry on.

So today we get to spill our secrets. It's the one I look most forward to throughout the week. The honesty you all drop in the comments makes me smile. I can't imagine a week without your secrets.

We are all in the circle of trust. Join us... it's safe.

1. I love beginning my day with Google. I wake hoping they'll teach me something new. When I see the primary colors I'm disappointed for it's the images and designs that tell me it's someone's birthday or teaches me about someone who has accomplished something. If you're a gmail user or have a google account on your birthday they'll give you online cupcakes. You can't beat that.
2. I'm a new Roller Derby addict. It's seriously addicting. I don't know where they are all located at but if you want a night of adrenaline and a whole lot of fun look it up. The hardest part - choosing my favorite team.
3. Thanks to the Roller Derby I know want to go roller skating. My sisters, friends, and I used to go to the skating rink on Friday nights. Oh yeah, I was that awesome.
4. I have a weird pen habit. When I find one I like I'll take it every where with me. When I lose it you'd think I lost my phone. My current favorite - A light blue Personal Injury Trial Lawyer edition.
5. I have a weekend purse thanks to my husband. During the week my messenger bag is filled with food, books, and 'needs' but on the weekend it's overkill. Lucky for me I have an adorable little summer bag that has the essentials at all time and the only thing I switch out is a wallet. Genius.

So spill... would you go to the Roller Derby? Have you ever been roller skating or have a weird pen habit. I'm all ears.


Candyland said...

You're so cute with your pens and weekend bags! Aww! I would totally go to Roller Derby and I love skating. As for pens, my mom has the bad habit of stealing everyone's.

Gail said...

I use to watch roller derby all the time!

I am a pen freak also, I go to trade shows just to get the free pens.

Every one comes to my purse when they need something...and whatever they are looking for, always seems to be there.

Leigh Caron said...

Ha! I used to go roller skating when there were four wheels and you needed a key to tighten the skates to your shoes.

DRC said...

lol Em....

I can't skate. I admit it. I've tried and tried, even as a child, but failed - and often painfully so. Even when I was 18 and started going to Adult night at (what we have in the UK) RollerCity (I'm assuming this is close enough to Roller Derby) everyone tried to teach me, even the people who work there.

I guess it's just one of those things I'll never be able to do. I'll stick with writing instead.

Christine Murray said...

I too have a weird pen habit. Currently I have three biros, red, green and blue on the go, and I refuse to write with other pens. Unfortunately, my husband sometimes steals them, which annoys me no end. He doesn't see what all the fuss is about, though.

Jessica Bell said...

I've used gmail for years and they've never sent me cupcakes! :(

Elena Michele said...

I love roller derby! I have a friend who does it, so I will go out and watch sometimes... And since I've met her, I've been dying to go skating again!

And the pen thing-- I have a pen fascination, too, but it's all about the feel of writing with a particular pen. If it doesn't feel right, I don't touch that pen; when I find a pen that feels right, I don't want to let go!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I've been roller skating but never attended a roller derby game.

Brenda Drake said...

When I was young, back in the Stone Ages, we used to roller skate around the neighborhood. There's an old episode of Charlie's Angels where Farah skates in one. So funny to watch. I so have the same habit with pens as you, I freak when someone else uses it. Fun post! :D

Talli Roland said...

I'm the same way with pens! I get obsessed with my current favourite.

Sarah Ahiers said...

My sister and I want to be roller-derby girls SO BAD! I would love to shove some chicks around while on rollerskates. I think i'd be really good at being a blocker

Diana Mieczan said... Balazs has a pen habit as well. He loves this pens a lot and takes them every where:) Sweetie, I loved your comment yesterday:) Kisses and hugs. Happy Thursday

Diana Mieczan said...


Patti said...

I totally understand the pen thing. I have one kind of pen that I love, but I only know one place I can get them and its a three hour drive away.

Jillian said...

haha I love when Google does something fun and exciting with their letters too!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

He he he. I'm not surprised at all that you love roller derby--not sure why. When I was in junior high we went to the roller rink every weekend. So. Much. Fun. Sometimes I take my kids to one in our town. They love it, too. :-)

Nicole Zoltack said...

You're adorable. You know I love you. I do the same thing with pens. Hubby swiped one of my favorite ones and I told him to be sure to give it back. He lost it. I still haven't forgotten and that happened months ago.

I need to buy a new purse. Haven't found one yet though. I'm kinda picky when it comes to purses.

Aubree said...

i haven't been roller blading in forever but i really liked it when i was a kid. and i love it when google has the little decorations on their homepage, way better than the boring regular font.

Laura S. said...

After I saw the movie "Whip It" I so wanted to be a roller derby girl! It looks super fun. I gotta read the book the movie's based on now!

Elena Solodow said...

Love the blog title, Jen! I've never been to a roller derby but it does sound like fun!

Today's Google is really cool, it plays musical notes!

Michael Di Gesu said...

I think roller derby is AWESOME. I've never been to a match in person, but I'd love to go.

I was an ice skater for years. I tried rollerskating but had a hard time get the motion right. The four-wheeled kind.

Now roller blades are something I've been wanting to try for years. So I just might have to venture this summer along the lakefront.

Unknown said...

Roller Derby looks kind of cool. One of my friends started doing roller derby when she moved away. Her son draws tattoos in magic marker on her arm. I'm not sure I want to fall that much but I do love to roller skate. I have a pair of the sketchers 4-wheelers from several years ago.

Thomasina said...

I definitely have a weird pen habit. My current obsession are sharpie pens, I LOVE them!!!

Jemi Fraser said...

I am quite possibly the worst roller skater ever born. On one date, the poor guy basically had to drag me around the rink. SO embarrassing! I was a pretty decent athlete so I thought I'd be fine - I was AWFUL!!!

Lindsay N. Currie said...

I'd love to have a pen habit. Sadly, with three kids, all of my pens seem to go missing on me. I find myself needing a writing utensil and uh, bummer. . . nothing but broken crayons and dried-out markers available. LOL maybe I need to get myself a new, shiny pen to keep handy:)

Unknown said...

I suppose I'd be open to checking out a roller derby match, but don't really foresee me doing it in the near future.

Pens on the other hand, man do I love pens! It's not just a single pen either, I hoard pens and other writing utensils. Even when I have my favorite that I'm using I collect more and more, and then when I lose my favorite all of the others just won't do.

Robert Guthrie said...

Roller derby... I've never been a fan of anything involving yelling.

Night swimming, more my style.

Samantha Sotto said...

Hi! (I'm back from my trip!)

I share your love of pens - unfortunately, they don't love me back. They run away as soon as they get the chance. (If you see one with a little green frog cover, that's mine.)

Rhonda Albom said...

I though roller derby was only in the movies - a fake sport. Are you telling me it is real? How very odd.

Johanna Garth said...

Even though I've never been to the roller derby my secret (now not so secret) roller derby name is "Hermione Danger"

Love the pen btw! Need to pick one of those up too.