If you haven't checked out yesterdays book giveaway for The Truth Tellers Tale be sure to go here after you are done with this giveaway!
Today's giveaway - Prada & Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard

I am giving away Prada and Prejudice and The Truth Tellers tale for a reason, they are two books I thoroughly enjoyed but they are two books that represent what I'm writing. One of them the ultimate guide to fantasy (TTT) and the other that takes place in 1815 (P&P) I'm writing a fantasy novel (Travelers) and my latest WIP (Stella's Story - 20,000 words in since friday!) is a story of a Duchess!
FOllOW ME :)
ADD ME ON YOUR SIDEBAR OR BLOG (for extra points)
ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS - If you could live in 1815 who would you want to be?? King, Queen, commoner? Why?
I'd enter but I'm lazy ... LOL. Will always WUV you though!
I'm following and I would want to be a queen for the awesome clothing she could wear:)
terri dot tiffany at yahoo dot com
I don't want to be King or Queen, but I would like to be part of the elite upper class...just because life was EASIER on them. If it's an either or choice, I suppose I'd have to pick a commoner, but can I be a commoner who works at the palace? Maybe a personal servant to the Queen? Or wait, you know what? Can you make me a man, too? I'm not sure I'm all that hot about the way women were treated back then!
I would want to be a queen only if I was sovereign. If I couldn't be sovereign, I'd want to be a king. That way all the world could eventually be mine! *evil cackle*
SO I would love to be a queen just to wear the clothes. I know shallow but I could also have pull on making a difference in my kingdom. (Helping others, too).
I will announce this.
Some great contests going on! I love seeing the ideas the bloggers post for them, lots of fun :)
That's a tough question! I think I'd like to be a lady of the court but I would HATE wearing all that clothing and I would feel so restricted, not being allowed to talk in the presence of certain people... There is a reason that I wasn't born in that era. Although having the power of a Queen....nah, that's way too much responsibilty to run a country.
I'd be a commoner bc I'm boring. I don't want to rule a land or have man parts so I'm fine being sub-par to the royalty,lol.
I'd like to be the daughter of a wealthy merchant--I wouldn't have to worry about the rules of the aristocracy, could still be spoiled and have whatever I wanted. :)
I have been a closet follower for several weeks now, and that book looks absolutely awesome. But I bet you would not like me to win because I am in distant Bombay (India).
But if I had to be someone in 1815, I would like to be a spinster novellist
Anna Isabella Milbanke. Cause then Id get to marry Lord Byron- the ultimate sexy romantic badboy from back in the day.
I have your contest linked in today's blog and on my sidebar cause I am rocking out this contest! Plus I wrote you a blurb yesterday! I'm determined.
Oh man, well I know too much about history so I'm trying to not let that guide my answer but it is. I have to say I wouldn't want to be any of those *shriek* because there was so much happening in the world. I'm a germaphobe to a certain degree so being a commoner would make me insande, but I don't like the idea of ruling anyone from a throne. So I would like to be umm...I'm choosing my own here, an explorer, but an important one like ya know, Lewis and Clark sort of cause of all the things happening with the "New World." So yeah...an Explorer.
Yay for you Friday wordcount!
If I lived in 1815, I'd either want to be a saloon woman (teehee) in the Wild West OR a member of the ton. Just because I've read so many books that talk about it. :-) Or maybe a pirate wench!!
You know my email address. *wink wink*
If I lived in 1815, I'd want to be a member of the nobility (commoners definitely got the short end of the stick back then), but I'd love to have a little more power than women usually did. If I could own my own land or something, that would be perfect.
Fun contest!!
I would want to be a commoner who overcomes her social stigma and finds success and love!!
I'll have to blog about this whenever I get around to blogging again!
Thanks for passing by and writing such a lovely comment! I'd be interested in reading this book! Just became a follower :) And congrats on reaching 500!
Hmmm... Commoner. I don't think I'd like all the pressure of court. Of course, I'm picturing an idyllic country commoner lifestyle. :) Congrats on all your followers!
Queen, naturally. Because of the clothes, make up and most importantly, the gossips of the court!
I follow you. You are in the sidebar of my blog. I would be a commoner. You rock.
By the way, I put a link to your contest on the sidebar of my blog! :D
Ooh, I've heard of this before, and would love to read it!
I'd want to be a lady, not a Queen, but not a commoner, either. That way, I wouldn't be burnded with too much responsibility, but I wouldn't have to toil away in menial labor, either. I might even be able to write when I'm not making house calls and having tea! ;)
I'm also mentioning this contest on the sidebar.
sandyshin7 [at] gmail [dot] com
The Queen...because of the beautiful dresses and big hair:) Kisses sweetie and see you soon:) Great fun:)
Sounds like a really nice book! I might enter later today when things are calm here at home. Have a great day Jen!
I'd be a commoner-you know, always rooting for the underdog!
I so want to read Prada and Prejudice! I think I would be a Queen...servants and all that...sounds heavenly! :) Haefner919 @ yahoo.com
Oh, this book sounds fab!
I'd be a commoner. They can have more fun and don't need to follow all those silly royal rules!
I don't want to enter *sorry* but I do want to say I LOVE the "Parda and Prejuice" book!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I feel a little guilty about entering because I've won so many contests lately, but those books sound awesome so I will anyway. :)
I'd be a queen and wear the cool dresses. :)
Hmm. I'd kind of want to be a commoner so I could hook up with the prince. Or maybe the king -- you know, like if his wife died of malaria or something.
(Um, what diseases did they have back then?) :)
Yeah... I kind of have this thing for authority figures and men in power. I know, I know... I should save that for Thursday!
Commoners seem to have had pretty icky lives back then, but a lot more freedom. Hmm - I'd probably take my chances as a commoner :)
I would want to be part of the aristocracy with only distant ties to the court. Safer. And, I'd want to be an educated and independent woman...Jane Austen-ish...
20,000 words since Friday?!?! You are on a roll :)
Okay, I'll be the queen. If I must.
:) Karen
I love the title of the book, Prade and Prejudice. Hehe, I just keep saying it over and over again. :-)
Anyways, I follow your blog. Please enter me in this giveaway. :)
I couldn't possible live in 1815 because the medicine was awful, the attitudes were colonial and the clothes were appalling. All those petticoats! It'd be cool to travel back in time and see it but not live there.
I'm just going to come out with it: I'd want to be the Queen. Yeah, it would be stressful, but who wouldn't want to know what it feels like to have such power? Naturally I'd be a benevolent queen, and if there's any way to help my people overcome something, I would be more than willing to do so.
You can find my email on my Blogger Profile. :)
Thanks for the contest shout-out and I'd totally be a commoner...much less stressful sounding!
wardkristi (at) hotmail (dot) com
Great contest!!! :-)
Hi Jen! I had definitely had to check out your blog too. How fun--I love contests. I should do one on my soon. Mandy Hubbard is great, so I'll enter the contest for her book. Since I read that you once thought Ciao was spelled Chow then I won't feel AS bad for asking--where there princesses back then? That's what I would want to be, lol. Because basically a queen is a grown up version of a queen and deep inside, I'd rather not grow up :) Plus, you're still royalty and you get the great clothing AND the prince ;)
email (at) rose-cooper (dot) com
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