Official business.
Did anyone tell you? Well I will!
Writing is hard.
There you have it.
My current novel (Finding Me/The Traveler) is driving me crazy. Yes literaly driving me crazy. I mean my MC isn't getting any easier, in all honesty she's a pain in my ass. I've tried to revise for awhile now and everything I right is quickly followed by the delete button. The ideas are there I just need them to flow off the tongue, and write now they're stuck in a little box that's been glued shut and refuses to open. Hopefully I can break the seal... soon.

Wow! You guys are awesome bloggers! 500+ followers?! Seriously? I can't believe I have so many amazing blog buddies that take the time to read my posts every day! Be sure to stick around because sometime next week I'll announce the 500 follower frenzy contest! There will be more fabulous interviews followed by great books! I just want to have a creative contest... this requires thinking!
Some of the selections - Prada & Prejudice, The Truth Tellers Tale and more!!
Any ideas for contests? Any truths for the week?
Writing is hard. Especially when you get in that slump. You'll kick through though!
I'm drawing a blank for contests ideas. I've been trying to come up with some myself lately. All my creative juices seem to be going to my wip. ;-)
No truths, either. I'm boring today!
So sorry you're frustated. I know that feeling too well. Remember that post you wrote about apple pie and Johnny Depp? Yum ... that make you feel a little better?
My Truths:
It takes me well over a year to finish writing a novel - not including revisions. I wish I could stp thinking so much and just write.
I have really low self-esteem. I want to be how I am on my blog in real life.
On a happier note, I love apple pie and Johnny Depp and would love to add a ball of vanilla ice-cream to the mix becasue it's stinking hot here. Hmmm ....
AMEN Sister! AMEN!!
Writing is hard. And quite truthfully I don't know how you do it if that's really where you write everyday. Can't you look out a window somewhere. I would be nuts if I couldn't see outside.
My truth -- It's hot here, very hot, and I hate it. I want to go back home. And stay.
Yes yes YES! Writing is hard. Very hard. It's nice that someone actually said it. :) We love writing, but sometimes... GAH! :D
My truth? I'd have to say my truth is that I'm also having a hard time writing. But hopefully that's turning around!
aw.:( truth thursday is my
Totally agree. H.A.R.D.
Congrats on 500+ followers!
It sucks when you know exactly what you want to convey and the words are all over the place. You'll get there!
Woo hoo on 500 + followers. I'm not surprised!
I could come up with some cool ideas, but then I wouldn't have time to enter. Though for your contest, I would make time. :D
I forgot to give a contest idea: Ok, let's see, you want it to be different, right? How about asking bloggers to write a 100 word vignette with you as the main character. The person to win will be the person who best depicts your personality. :o)
Oh, I love a good contest :-)
Sending good revision thoughts your way. I know what you mean about Pain in the Butt MCs. You're right, writing is hard, because sometimes we have to hit the delete button on weeks of work. Difficult when it happens ...
Congrats on topping 500! And I hope your MC cooperates soon ... Happy writing to you!
You'll get through it. It is hard but it's rewarding too. Keep going--try to take a break --sometimes ideas come out of no where.
Trust me. I had nothing now revisions are pushing me to write along with my new sexy idea. Boy those characters will not shut up.
All because I took a trip to the beach.
Congrats on 500!
My truth: I would like to know if there is a hotline for abused parents of 2 year olds. I have bruises on my legs and have no idea where I got them. A sippy cup hit me in the eye yesterday and I'm sure it will leave a mark.
I may do a post on this. :)
Yay! 500 followers is awesome:)
Writing is like my goddaughter offering me a piece of chocolate, and then eating it herself!
As for contest know how fond I am of mad libs:)
MC's are hard to write-that's a truth. For some strange reason, all my other characters develop better than my MC. I have no idea why.
I did a post on my blog not too long ago about how difficult writing is ( You're not alone in your feelings!
And is that your workspace? Where the magic happens?!? So cute!
YEP! Sometimes when I get like that I walk away for awhile or move to a new scene (or new idea!). Good luck!
We must be on the same wave length today. I just finished a post on pretty much the same topic! I set it to go up automatically. Let's see if it works this time.
Writing is so hard sometimes, I hate it when that happens!! I just came off of what felt like forever of crap that came out when I typed. Grrrrr.
Just keep swimming. You are totally talented chicka, don't forget it okay? It'll flow again, find yourself a good looking muse :) that ought to help!
Show your character who's boss!! - I know, that's easier said than done ;)
Writing is hard - this is something I've always known and accepted and knowing so helps a lot when I'm stuck or struggling. Yes, it's hard but we have to push through.
Good luck :)
It's so funny you say that, because I was considering writing a post today titled "Writing is Hard" with body, "That's all." or "No, really. It is." But then I decided that a blog entry doesn't really count if it could be a tweet. Plus I don't think I'm quite that desperate yet. So look for that entry in about another month.
I'm with Christine. Breaks are good. A new scene-meaning scenery. Just visiting a place I have never been before can click on my imagination powers. It may even just be a mall in town I've never been to, or a park, or an ethnic food store.
You'll get it going again! Happy day!
I know what you mean, writing IS hard. There are glorious weeks where everything just flows and the stories come together with little effort on my part, but those weeks are few and far between. Usually it's a struggle. I agree with the break suggestion though. A quick short story break in the midst of writing the novel can be very refreshing.
Good luck getting your groove back!
sorry your mc is being a pain in the ass! This is when I usually say 'pipe down! I OWN you!' and let my manic side take over...GOod Luck and I can't wait for your contest!!
I've just has my second short story accepted for publication in less than five weeks. I have a writing buddy who said I was making it look easy. I wanted to laugh. Easy? Not yet.
Congrats on the 500+ followers!
I hate it when your MC doesn't cooperate! I hope it gets better. And yes, maybe take an afternoon or a day off to get a mental break.
Writing is hard! But you'll get passed this! Keep it up and remember to tell your MC that YOU are in charge!!! I don't know if she'll listen, but it's worth a try. :)
It is hard, but that's what makes it so rewarding when we succeed at not just getting published but at all the little things that lead to that moment.
Hey! Love your blog. Just wanted to let you know that I have awarded you! :) God bless
I am right there with you, my MC is a thorn in my side and I have found myself not in the mood to write. THATS all together a new feeling. I'm a big ole' delete button sigh. But I know it will get better, temporary state of being. It happens *shrugs* and I know you'll get through it :) Congrats on the 500 followers! Can't wait to see what contest you have in store!
Congratulations on that awesome number of followers! Totally deserved.
Writing IS hard. So much harder than people think it is. I've been stuck on "thought process" for I don't even know how long. I just can't seem to get the words out. If you manage to get yours off your tongue, share the remedy with me, please. *Angelic smile*
Oh, I so hear you. I am struggling this week to keep things moving -- and I've rewritten a good 50,000 words of my novel! Still, it *is* getting better and as long as we keep moving forward we'll get there, right? Right! :)
Good luck getting through the rough patches! You can so do it. :) Can't wait for the contest!
How true this is! I've just come out of yet another slump, but thankfully the words are flowing again:)
You'll get it Jen! I know exactly how you feel. YOu know, sometimes I work best after a whole week of hell and no sleep. It's true : )~
Good luck!!
I agree, writing is hard. But it's fun too, otherwise I'd have quit long ago. Congrats on all the followers! :)
I feel your writing pain! I'm at that lovely revising stage as well. Good luck to you - I hope the words flow for you! :)
Writing is hard. That's why I'm on a pregnancy-related writing hiatus.
I can't wait for your contest! I hope you've gotten some fun ideas from commenters before me because I've got nothin'. I'm chalking it up to pregnancy brain.
This may not be your normal truth Thursday but your still talking about the truth. Writing is hard and frustrating and heartbreaking. But its so many other positive things. And brings me such joy and balance that I couldn't imagine my life without it anymore.
our characters frustrate us but as long as you keep pushing, it'll eventually break. The words will start flowing. And you'll break through on the other side.
I'm sure it'll clear itself up in the end. Maybe you need to take a break from it, maybe write a short story or something to get your mind off it?
Also, congrats on +500 followers! You must be magical:)
Writing is hard!!!! I can relate to that feeling. I killed my MC three times in my last book and she still didn't take me seriously and cooperate. Good luck with all that :)
I agree - writing is hard. But it's also fun, stimulating and hard to leave alone. I do believe I've become obsessed! :)
Maybe an award will help ease your writing stresses! Come on over to my blog and claim it! :D
Just keep reminding yourself how much you love it. Sometimes that's the only way I can write anything.
My story is driving me nuts too! I hear it's character-building for us writers, though. :p
Congrats on 500 followers, and I can't wait to see your contest!
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