Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Writing and it's progression

When I first started writing it was all about getting the words on the blank page. Feeling each moment even if the two scenes didn't go together.

Now I realize a year and a half into calling myself a writer that it takes more than a bunch of words jumbled on a sheet of paper. You really are a story teller and you want to write a book that's never been written. You have spent hours in the sacks devouring books and yet something was still missing. The heroine wasn't experiencing what you were and there was no hero sweeping her off her feet.

So you changed it.

You made the story fit your feelings. Fit the mold that you created. The situations that you've thought about. The interesting dilemma's the teenagers face when they're given a gift but they view it as a curse. Everything in writing matters. From the color of one's shoes to where they eat lunch. Each action has a meaning. Every moment has a purpose. It also never hurts to have two people falling in love either!

So where are you at in the writing world? Are you still figuring out what a plot is? Sending your beautiful words out on submission?


Sarah said...

Both? I know I still have so much to learn, but at the same time, I'm putting my work up for a high level of scrutiny! Highly educational--and highly nerve-wracking.

Katie Ganshert said...

My debut novel hits shelves next May with another one to follow in April, 2013 and I'm still learning new stuff each and every day. It's what makes me love writing so much. the challenge to learn, grow, improve is never-ending. Let's just say - it's not like this is ever going to get boring.

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

I'm getting words on the page but it FEELS WONDERFUL and I am finally loving where it is going.
Tomorrow, it'll be torture again. But today! HOORAY!

Laura Pauling said...

I'm in all stages at once. One out on submission. One ready to query in the fall. And brainstorming new ones!

Diana Mieczan said...

So true, that its important to write a story that will represent the true feeling and emotion. Hope you are having a great week so far, darling

Ps: I’m hosting great summer GIVEAWAY later today! Don’t miss it:)

Christine Danek said...

I'm in a bunch of stages. One waiting to be revised. I'm about to start another one and about to revise the other one.
A lot going on at the same time, but I love it.

Leigh Caron said...

I'm forever in edit mode. I can't read a sentence in my W.I.P. without making changes, albeit for the better...but when does it end? I have sent out some queries, but then feel the need to edit them too. HELP! I KEEP EDITING AND CAN'T STOP!

Miranda Hardy said...

I'm getting prepared to make my words shine. I need to develop my characters better, and bring in more description.

Anonymous said...

Right now I'm wrapping up the draft of Opening and getting ready to send out ARCs to people. Then its off to my editor and then self publishing through CreateSpace.

Creepy Query Girl said...

I'm still just chugging along. Working on my fourth book and enjoying the process. Kicking back and waiting waiting waiting for something to pop up in my inbox.

Talli Roland said...

Right now I'm in full on revision mode. And I can tell you... it doesn't get any easier. ARRRGHHHH!

Anna said...

I'm letting one project simmer and trying to delve into another project. I forgot that sometimes beginnings are just as hard to do as endings. I need to get into the meat of the story before I feel comfortable writing.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

"Everything in writing matters. From the color of one's shoes to where they eat lunch. Each action has a meaning. Every moment has a purpose."

Brilliantly said, Jen!

Stina said...

LOL I'm doing serious revisions to my WIP now that I've studied story structure. Wow. What. A. Difference.

Oh, and my SNI is starting to wave at me, hinting that it wants me to finish my revisions on my WIP so I can start working on SNI. :D

Elizabeth McKenzie said...

My debut novel, Bum's Rush, is not getting off the ground. Why? because I haven't done much to promote it. Maybe I don't have the confidence I should have in it. It's a good book and the writing is sound, the characters unique, and there are comic moments. Why don't I promote this wonderful book. I dunno.

I think I want to complete the second novel first. That way I can promote them both at the same time. Who knows.

Hang in there.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I recently discovered nouns - does that count?
No, I'm finishing the final touches on the sequel to my book and hope to ship it off to my publisher next week.

Myne said...

I'm currently putting words on the blank paper, lol..

Myne said...

I'm currently putting words on the blank paper, lol..

Nicole Zoltack said...

I've been doing research on a SNI. I've also been tweaking the beginning of my UF and need to work more on my other story (which needs to be added to and torn apart and changed from YA to MG. Not going to be fun.)

Eileen Astels Watson said...

I'm still plodding along trying to write stories that move people and they always have two people falling in love, too! Those are definitely the best kind of stories!

Jennifer Hillier said...

Where am I in the writing world? I feel like I'm falling and climbing all at the same time! It's the biggest rollercoaster ride...if only my stomach would stop churning!

Michelle Merrill said...

I'm wading through's slow but good. Kind of good. I wonder if the story will ever match the picture in my head :) I'm starting round 2 tonight!

Jennie Bailey said...

I'm in the middle of querying (scary!) and I'm rewriting my NaNo project while I wait to hear back on my partials and fulls (completely nervewracking). I'm just hoping an agent is nice enough to give me some great notes with the rejection! If several do, I'm in good shape!!! Okay, back to trying to distract myself.

Johanna Garth said...

I don't think I'm going to write another word on my WIP until september. I can barely write this since I'm trying to ignore "The Bear Went Over The Mountain," being blasted at top volume from upstairs.

Lindsay N. Currie said...

It's such a constant learning process, isn't it? You've got the right idea though Jen...patience, writing and a lot of enthusiasm:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! It's nice to meet you! Thanks for commenting!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm tearing my hair in revisions. lol.