Monday, May 7, 2012

Marketing Monday - Characters

Marketing your novel is more than just showcasing your cover art and giving away swag. We as authors want our readers to connect not with our book but with future books.

What’s a great way to keep readers involved and talking about your latest and past reads?

One way is to make your characters more involved.

We as authors do our duties by going around the blogosphere and doing interviews. Those can be fun but after a while the questions are the same and so are the answers. You don’t want a reader getting tired of seeing your book everywhere. You want them more excited each time that cover art pops up.

So what are some secrets that help keep your book alive using the characters in them?

Treasure Hunts – Keep other bloggers excited about your books. After all, they’ll be the ones who are not only your readers but sharing about the books. Give clues for teens and adults to acquire throughout a few weeks. The end result can be a giveaway. In the end you’ve given a book away and also provided yourself mad press from the excitement.

Swag – Books, bookmarks, and tattoos aren’t the only things that can promote a book. Pins, key chains, and things that relate to your character are other great. Does she love boas? Is he a water gun enthusiast? Giving away items that relate to your character keep people excited and they can’t help but share with others around them in the real world let alone the blogging world.

Accessories and Wear – Do you believe in your book? Show them. Have shirts made, scarves, earrings, shoes, they can all be made into wearable marketing. I have what I call my ‘book shoes’. When I wear them I get a ton of compliments and it’s my segway to share about my stories.

 There are so many other ways to market in the world… what are your marketing secrets?


Lindsay N. Currie said...

Great post Jen! This is really sound advice too - I've seen a lot of unique things done on Twitter and I have to admit, it's 100% necessary in order to keep your fanbase up and interested. And, to pull in new folks:) You, my friend, will be a master marketer when your books hit the shelves!

Leigh Caron said...

I'll keep these in mind when my time comes. I'm so afraid I'll fail miserably with marketing.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for sharing your tips. Personally, I prefer the book giveaways to the swag giveaways as a reader and blogger. Though I realize that an author can only give away so many books. I've seen the swag given away to people who ask questions at a book signing and that worked really well.

Unknown said...

Good idea. I love the idea of book shoes. One of my CPs got my a necklace with something tied into my WIP as the charm. The necklace does lead me to talk about my story with people.

Sarah said...

Lovely suggestions! I really like the idea of a treasure hunt ...

Meredith said...

Such fun, innovative ideas! You have to share a picture of your shoes--they sound fabulous!

Talli Roland said...

Great ideas, as always! I love seeing what other writers come up with.

Jennifer Hoffine said...

Love your character-related swag idea! The shoes sound great too!

Summer Ross said...

Terrific idea! Thanks so much for posting this.

Sarah Allen said...

Fabulous ideas! I love the treasure hunt idea, I think I might see what I can do with that.

Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I love the accessories and wear tip! :)

Amy Saia said...

I like the t-shirt idea, and the treasure hunt is a great tip.

Carrie Butler said...

My background is in marketing, so that's my comfort zone. :) Great tips, Jen!

alexia said...

Cute ideas! Thanks! I like creative stuff like the treasure hunt. And t-shirts would be awesome, too.

Happy Monday!

Liesel K. Hill said...

Thanks for the info, Jen! My time to promote my book is coming up fast. I can always use helpful tips and strategies!

Carolyn V said...

Oooo, I love those ideas! And I agree, you need to mix it up so people won't be groaning when they see your book. Nice! Thanks Jen!

Sharon Bayliss said...

Very helpful! I'll be doing the blog rounds for my book soon, and I need all the tips I can get.

Elana Johnson said...

Great post! I try to make every post different, even if the interview questions are the same. I want people to think they're getting something new and unique with each blog tour stop.