Here we go!!!
1. I'm such a rockstar I haven't had time to pass out all my awards! I think I have racked up more than Justin Bieber & Madonna CoMbInEd. (Seriously I think I might need blogger body guards)
2. Commenting is tough. I have so much love for my bloggers. I love you like a fat kid loves cake. So when I don't visit... remember the love.
3. I'm in Revision Hell, then again they should call it second guessing syndrome because everything I write I second guess. Thanks to the bloggers for keepin' it real and showing me love, sometimes someone has to tell me to PUT DOWN THE CANDYBAR.
I know that's only THREE but don't hate, I don't want to waste your time for why we are all here today! So let me give some long over-due blog love!!! I've made a few of my own awards to really show the love! Let's get started!
Cupcake Love Award
This award is for all of those that I love MORE than a fat kid loves cake! You have stood by me and give me so much continual love I can't help but pass it on!

Amber Tidd Murphy
Kristin Rae
Talli Roland
Rose Cooper
Carrie Harris
Justine Dell
Jessica (TAA)
Katie (CQG)
Erica Spickard
Crazy Love Award
For those who visit me every day, leave me such special and sweet comments. Making my day cheerful on even some of the most gloomiest of days! I appreciate your CrAzY cOmMeNt LoVe. I will list quite a few here, but if you comment regularly consider the blog award yours!

Jemi Fraser
Theresa Milstein
Jackee Alston
Christina Lee
Amy Saia
Kim Franklin
Susan Fields
Newbie Bestie Award
This blog award is extra special! I've had a ton of newbies join me on my journey to publishment since the last time I passed out awards and I want to give them some extra blog love!!!!

Terry Stonecrop
Renae Mercado
Teenage Bride
Dianne Salerni
Vicki Rocho
Jennie Bailey
Diana Mieczan
Jolene Perry
Angie - Addicted to Books
Victoria Caswell
So there you have it!! Sorry for such the long post! Congratulations to all of the bloggers I listed!!! I'm sorry that I didn't get all of you! Just know that you are loved and if you know you fit one of these awards please TAKE IT!!! You are super special too! Now pass them on!
Thank you so much!!! Yuppie...Really happy about this award!!!
Kisses,sweetie and so lovely of you:)
Wish you a wonderful day and see you soon:)
Ps: thank you so much for taking part in my GIVEAWAY!!!
Woo! I've been cupcaked!
Thanks, sunshine! :)
Yay! Thanks Jen:) xoxo
thanks jen!
(you're one of my new besties too! :) )
Jen! That is supercool and very nice. Thanks for the award, and always happy to drop by~ :o)
Congrats on the awards and good luck with revisions!!!
((((hugs)))) I love the award, thank you!!!!!!! Now I'm craving a cupcake from this place downtown, I keep having to tell myself no. ;) I love ya just as much <3333Congrats on all the blog bling you deserve every bit of it lovely!
PS Emailing you soon, I stopped by your blog before I had to run a couple errands and I'll email after that :D
Awwww you are too sweet!!!! Thanks.
Good luck in revision hell! You can get through it! And trust your gut when you double guess yourself.
Great awards!
Good luck with those revisions - and try not to second-guess too much.
And congrats on all your awards - you are a rock star!
Thanks! You are too sweet! I'm so glad I found your blog, I love it!
Those are awesome awards, Jen! I love the cupcake one - yummy! :-)
Thanks so much Jen - you're a sweetie! :)
You made my day!
this was a wonderful post- you made a lot of happy bloggers. :)
Good luck with revising. You're totally right - putting down the candy bar is often the best thing to do. For me, I write/revise much better after I've given my WIP space to breath on its own rather than continue forcing CPR.
hi miss jen! wow thanks for the cool crazy love award. that makes me feel pretty special. :) im gonna get it put on my blog. i know about not getting to go to all my blog friends cause now i got 35! yikes! you got over 600! thats a double yikes! ha ha.
...smiles and hugs from lenny
Awww - Thanks!
You've salvaged part of what has turned into yet another really dreary day up here.
yay awards! congrats to all the winners :D
Thank you so much, Jen! For the award AND all your support!
Thanks for the award and the blog love, Jen! You rock!
Congrats on all the awards, an to the recipients. You deserve them.
p.s. Put down the candybar! heehee
I think I'm gonna cry. :)
I'm right there with ya....I just don't have time to read and comment on blogs every day. I get days like today where I do have time and I try to visit everyone and comment too!
Grats to everyone who has won awards.. and guess what, Jennifer... You've won another award on my blog :)
Thanks for the links to all these awesome blogs - I'm looking forward to checking them out.
Thanks for giving me some great new blogs to check out!
High five to all Jen's award winners!!! More links to explore. :)
Thanks Jen! You're the best!!
Awwww! Thank you! You're so sweet. Congratulations on all of your awards. I wouldn't be surprised if paparazzi are going through your garbage right now.
Congrats on all your awards! Blogging is tough, and keeping up with commenters and going back and forth, very time consuming. I used to be more active in the blog world. I'm sorta trying to get back into it with reviving my (sorta private from family people) blog. It's linked in my google profile if you have time for a visit.
Congrats on your awards! And good luck with your revisions!
Oh, the linkage of new friends to meet! Thanks for giving me one, Jen. :o) It made me smile on a day I needed a smile.
Congrats on all your awards--they're well deserved! Cheers for you!
Aww, thank you so much for the award! And good luck with all the second guessing! I know it will all be worth it, in the end :)
Congrats to the winners. Those awards are cute.
What nice awards you made Jen! They are super cute. Hope the revisions aren't going too badly! Don't second guess yourself too much.
Oooh, that cupcake award is so freaking cool! Thanks for the love Jen. I love you more than a fat kid loves cake too!
AWWW How the heck did I miss this yesterday! THANK YOU! *hugs*
That award is awesome!! THANKS!!
I love all you new awards - they're all so pretty! And thanks so much for passing one my way!
And you are a rock star! You deserve every one of those awards you've received - thank you so much for all the blog love you give everyday!
Thank you, Jen! What a pretty award!!!It will look so nice on my blog:)
LOVE the fancy shmancy blog awards. They're so pretty! Thank you oh-so-much for including me with the recipients even though I've been a complete blogging slacker lately!
The Candyland shirt looks great...can't wait to get mine. I just can't remember what team I decided on...guess I'll be surprised!
Yay!! Super awesome! Thank you so much! I will proudly display on my blog :)
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