Friday, August 19, 2011

12 1/2 Rules for Writing

Google knows everything. Happy Friday! Now, do rule 12 1/2 and get to writing!!!


Laura Pauling said...

These are awesome! :)

K said...

Great rules for writing!

Anna Banks said...

Okay, where can I get this poster? I'm going to hang it up in my office, right over the computer screen! Love, "If it's boring to you, it's boring to the reader." Sooo true!

Happy Friday everyone! :)

Christine Murray said...

Great rules, thanks for sharing :)

Connie Keller said...

Love it. Thanks for posting.

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

Rule 12.5 is the best rule for writing I've ever come across.

Lindsay N. Currie said...

HI!!!!! Greetings from the island! Miss you too and hope you're having a great August! I've been spotty on Wi-Fi for two weeks now, but rest assured that by Monday I'll be back in Chi-Town to my normal life and full steam ahead!!!

Great rules - you're right, Google is omnipotent LOL!

Kenda Turner said...

Can I adapt this as my screensaver? I love it :-)

Hermana Tiffany Garner said...

Thanks for sharing! I might have to put this on my wall :)

Unknown said...

I love this list!

Bish Denham said...

This is absolutely wonderful! THANK YOU.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Cute and right on target.

Leigh Caron said...

I will...I did...I will.

Theresa Milstein said...

This is great. I'm adding it to one of my blog pages.

Have a wonderful weekend, Jen!

Sarah Tokeley said...

'There doesn't always have to be a moral to the story'. Brilliant.

Jemi Fraser said...

Love it! That's awesome :)

Emily R. King said...

LOL! 12 and a half? I've never heard of half rule. So funny. Thanks, Jen!

Unknown said...

Hehe, love this!

Johanna Garth said...

#10! Absolutely, that's where I get all my best ideas.

Christina Lee said...

Love this!!

Meredith said...

Love this poster! Ok, I'll get writing. :) Have a great weekend, Jen!

Jessica Ann Hill said...

LOVE this. Saving to :]

Have a great weekend!

Donna Shields said...

#9 is the truth. I find receipts and scribble notes on them while waiting in line for my son after school.

Mairie said...

Excellent - whenever anyone asks me for advice I say - 'do it - a lot' - probably translates better in 12 and half steps.

Natascha said...

I have this as the background on my iPhone. Reminds me every day :)

KM Nalle said...

Love this! Thanks for sharing. I might have to post this in my office.

Matthew MacNish said...

You're funny.

Christa Desir said...

I love pull the weeds and write about it. Ha.

blank said...

I love this post :)

Melissa Pearl said...

That is so cool! Thanks for sharing :)

LTM said...

ahh... I love this poster. I want to steal this poster! Can I have it? :D

Try something new; dance, pull weeds, write about it. <3

Michelle Merrill said...

I LOVE this! I want to take it...

Good to see you. I've been gone a lot but I hope to be back now!