Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday Twist

Up for nomination are three books I'm currently reading. We all have different opinions and this is my favorite post of the week because I get to see your views! It's neat to see how we are all fabulously different.

The Sentences:
1. If music were wind, I would live in a hurricane.
2. "Please, not the kumquat marmalade again," Willow Watts whispered as an elderly lady beckoned with a spoonful of jelly. (this was probably a giveaway, but it's fabulous regardless).
3. I twirled aimlessly in my chair when I heard the shop bell ring, announcing someone's arrivla.

The Reveal:
1. Secret Title
2. Secret Title
3. Secret Title

What order would you try these novels out? What's your reasoning?


Jessica Bell said...

:o) You're too cool for skool xoxo

Lindsay N. Currie said...

I know right away I'd try #2 last and probably #3 first...but who knows, I'm fickle:)

Christine Murray said...

2, 1, 3...but then I recognised number 2 so I'm probably biased!

Unknown said...

I think we all know what #2 is but I had to peek on the others.

Unknown said...

What's sad is, I read #1 and loved it. I just couldn't place it.

Anonymous said...

2, 1, 3 would be the order in which I'd pick them to read.

Laura S. said...

1 and 2 first, but I'm probably biased because I know whose they are! I can't wait to read them both. I didn't know 3, so I clicked the link and it sounds fascinating.

Unknown said...

I'd pick 1 and then 2

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

I would choose in the posted order.
#1 really fascinates me.

M Beth Vaughn

Anonymous said...

I loved #1 for sure.... Off to see what book it is.

Talli Roland said...

YIPPEEEE! I know number two. Thanks, sweetness!

And I adored number one.

Melissa Sarno said...

#1 but I did know what it was because I'm in the middle of reading it right now! #2 also intrigued me.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'd pick the second one because it's Talli's!

Jennie Bennett said...

I would pick #1 becasue I LOVE music :)

Joy said...

I'd pick 1, 2, 3. Love the image #1conjures up, the total immersion in sound, and #2 just seems like a fun read! :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Hmmm... 1, 3, 2. :-)

Carolyn V said...

I really want to read #1!!!! =)

blank said...

i have no idea waht number 2 is? so with out hunting down what book they are from.

3, (because i want to know who came in), 1, just because i love music and i would be a hurricane, then 2. im going hunting now x

Johanna Garth said...

2, love the marmalade line

3 and then 1

Happy Tuesday!

Jemi Fraser said...

I feel like a cheat because I recognized #1 & 2 - they're on my TBR list. I like the look of 3 too :)

Carrie Butler said...

Your blog is too flippin' fun! I love the banner at the top. :D

mshatch said...

#1 sounds the most interesting to me.

Sarah Tokeley said...

Number two would have to be first of course! I'm dying to read this.

Interestingly, from the first lines I'd pick number one over number three but when I looked at the blurbs, whilst I'd still read them both, number three interests me more.

Emily R. King said...

I can't wait to read Talli's book! I'm so glad you used her first line in this. It was great to see it.

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

I'd take them in order -- 1,2,3. The first one has such a gorgeous first line. Practically poetry! The second one sounds very fun. The third one sounds good, too, but not quite as intriguing as the others.

This is such a fun game! :) Now I'm going to go back and read through the other comments to see what everyone else thought.


Ashley Stone said...

1,3,2. The music line makes me want to know more! : )

Amanda Leigh Cowley said...

Hi Jen - thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

I'd take them as they are - 1, 2, 3! Or maybe 2, 3, 1. But then the twirling in the chair bit reminded me of myself, so maybe 3, 1, 2. Did I tell you I'm indecisive...

Btw, your blog rocks! Makes me realise I need to rework my one.

Leigh Caron said...

Agh! Everyone's read Watching Willow Watts but me! I did just sign up at Amazon though for the paperback when it comes out.