Monday, August 22, 2011

Best Staged Plans - Giveaway

Thank you all for stopping in for last weeks interview with Jen Violi! She's a fabulous girl and it was so much fun having her answering my weird questions!!! I've chosen the three winners and all I ask is for you to email me your address!!!


Kimberly S.
Giggles and Guns
Jen (Books at Midnight)

I'll be emailing you!!

As for the next giveaway, we're talking Best Staged Plans by Claire Cook!


As a professional home stager, Sandy Sullivan is an expert at transforming cluttered rooms into attractive houses ready for sale. If only reinventing her life were as easy as choosing the perfect paint color. She's eager to put her family's suburban Boston home on the market, to downsize, and to simplify her own life. But she must first deal with her foot-dragging husband and her grown son, who has moved back home after college to inhabit the basement "bat cave."

After reading them the riot act, Sandy takes a job staging a boutique hotel in Atlanta recently acquired by her best friend's boyfriend. The good news is that she can spend time with her recently married daughter, Shannon, in Atlanta. The bad news is that Shannon finds herself heading to Boston for job training, leaving Sandy and her southern son-in-law, Chance, as reluctant roommates. If that's not complicated enough, Sandy begins to suspect that her best friend's boyfriend may be seeing another woman on the side.

My thoughts:
Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! A must read! I'm a huge fan of Claire Cooks! She's a wonderful writer and as sweet as pie when you get to interact with her!

How to Win:

Sign up! Easy peasy! Just add your email so when I choose the winner next Monday it's easy for me to drop in and let you know!!!

HAPPY MONDAY!!! Yup, that's me keeping it simple! PS - What are you reading?


Diana Mieczan said...

Congrats to the winners and that book sounds fantastic. I just finished reading "Alone in the kitchen with an eggplant" by Jenni Ferrari-Adler and now I'm starting to read "The memory keeper's daughter" by Kim Edwards. Have a wonderful start to the week, sweetie. Muah

Creepy Query Girl said...

Congrats! Sorry I missed it! wow, this sounds like a such a unique premise and a fun read! Count me in! (you have my email:)

Leigh Caron said...

Sounds like fun book. My email is LeighCaron(at)gmail dot com.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Winning was the BEST way to start a Monday.
Thanks so much.
This sounds like another winner.


Eileen Astels Watson said...

Congrats to last week's winners. I'm wondering if this book would help me figure out how to declutter my own home and in an entertaining way, too!

Talli Roland said...

Congrats to the winners - yay! What a great way to start a week. Claire's book looks fantastic. :)

Sarah Tokeley said...

Home staging, is that like interior design? That's one of those things I can admire without being able to do. Like synchronised high diving :)

The book sounds like fun btw :)

Chris Phillips said...

I'm reading String Bridge by Jess Bell.

LTM said...

hey, girl! Missing you~ :o) <3

Getting Your Read On said...

Sounds like a fun book! Count me in.

What am I reading? Hereafter. It's good so far. :)

brandonaimee AT gmail DOT com

Emily R. King said...

Congrats to winners! Great giveaway, Jen. It's on my must read list already.

Jennie Bailey said...

Congrats to the winners! I love to start the week with a giveaway. I'm currently reading The Demon's Lexicon and loving it!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Not entering to win, but I do want to congratulate the winners!

Samantha May said...

Sounds awesome!



Jillian said...

sounds like a great read.... I wonder if I will ever have time to pick up a book again haha

Carolyn V said...

Oh no! I missed it, I'll have to go back and check it out. The book sounds awesome!

Susan @ The Book Bag said...

I have been wanting to read this book. Right now I am reading The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown and I am thinking it just might be my favorite this year.

Thanks for the giveaway!
