Thursday, August 25, 2011

Being a Man for a Day

Today I'm back to answer the odd questions I ask in my interviews, and weird questions bloggers come up with... I'm talking to you Jess!

So let's get started! Five of my truths coming up...

1. Jess asks: If you could be a man for a day, what aspect would you look for to the most?

To be honest I've never wanted to be a man. However having just watched Crazy, Stupid, Love with hottie Ryan Gosling I have an answer. I want to go out on the dating scene and see if girls are as easy as the movies make them out to be. Do the pick up lines really work?

2. What body part to you wash first?

My hair... shampoo then conditioner (if you must know)...

3. Do you parallel park or drive around the block?

I parallel park. I'm actually quite good at it (thank you weird drivers ed guy). My husband however would drive around the block.

4. How do you eat your cookie?

I love chocolate chip cookies, so when they come straight out of the oven I eat the middle first (on all of them)... and then go back and eat the crust (it's my favorite part).... YUM!

5. Have you ever seen a movie alone in a theater?

I used to when I was younger all the time. Last one I saw by myself in theaters - 13 GOING ON 30... ended up running into someone there so I suppose it doesn't count. But I'm counting it anyway.

So there you have it... the weird, random, normal questions all put together. Care to add your thoughts? Have a question up your sleeve that you want answered.


Unknown said...

More great comments. I wouldn't want to be a man either but sometimes I would like to just go to work, come home and not feel it's my job to then clean the house! Love the questions.

Theresa Milstein said...

I'd like to pee standing. The rest I can do without.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'll save you the effort - pick up lines don't work.

Chris Phillips said...

I shampoo/condition last since it's the best part.

Also pick up lines work for me, so I don't know what Alex's problem is. :)

LTM said...

you're so funny! We shower the same, and I actually saw Twilight in the theater by myself. On a Monday b/c I couldn't find anyone who wanted to go with me.

Can you believe that?

never happened again. LOL! :D <3

BBC said...

Hmmm... well I'll take the bait and say if I were a man I'd definitely want to have sex b/c then I could write believable sex scenes from the male POV.

But then I'd have to think - Who do I have sex with? That's a tough one. Not a stranger, cause yuck, but at the same time if I have sex with someone I know that would be awkward when I go back into woman form....

Oh man, diabolical question.

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Whoa, I'd love to experience a day like a man. Writing from the male POV would be even easier then:) But, I hate body hair so I'd have to be a man who shaves his legs LOL

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that movie 13 going on 30!!! Oh, and I'm a drive around the block kinda girl. LOL. Seriously, I'll park blocks away if needed to avoid parallel parking. LOL!!!

Kristin Rae said...

13 going on 30 is one of my favorite movies EVER! I've only recently started going to the movies alone. First one was Harry Potter and the DH pt 1, then I went to Super 8, then HPDH pt 2. I must say, I'm a convert. Movies alone ROCK!

The middle of the cookie is the best part! You're eating it backwards!! ;)

Shannon said...

Funny you mentioned 13 Going on 30. It's one of my favorites. In fact, Mike and I get to write a review on it next month. :)

And props on the parallel parking. My creepy drivers ed instructor only taught me how to do a 3 point turn.

Bish Denham said...

I'm with Theresa, being able to pee while standing would be cool. I'm not all that great at parallel parking, but I am a back-up queen! I can back-up under the strangest, tightest, steepest conditions. (It's a gift, I know.)

BookGeek said...

Loved these answers. And I have to agree with you about Crazy, Stupid, Love --> Girls can't REALLY fall for those lines, right? I suppose I would fall for them though if someone like Ryan Gosling said them to me.... :P

Donna Shields said...

I used to be able to parallel park with my PT cruiser, but anything bigger than that and I'd be driving around the block.

Christa Desir said...

I love seeing movies by myself. Plus, no one wants to go with me because I ask too many questions and talk too loud.
LOL at the being a man thing....

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Have I ever told you how adorable you are?! :-)

asdfasdfasdf said...

i was going to see black swan alone because i really wanted to see it and nobody else did, but then at last second a friend agreed to go.

and i never wanted to be a man either (even though they can be lazy with laundry and go around the house shirtless -- i mean i guess i could too, but no way)

Kathryn Elliott said...

Last movie I went to alone was Dances with Wolves, on a Monday, in the afternoon. Know who goes to the movies on a Monday afternoon? Senior bus tours. Could not hear a thing over the continual not-so-silent whisper loop - “What did he say?”

Jennie Bailey said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the post title (and how many times I have this to you over the last year and half?!?)! I love going to movies alone on a weekday afternoon! And I'm a total shampoo first girl too. I hear all the BEST writers are. ;-)

Melodie Wright said...

If I was a man for a day, I would go around lifting heavy things. And taking showers bc I wouldn't have to blow-dry my hair. :))

Now, can I go completely off topic (I DO have a question up my sleeve) how did you create such an adorable button for your WIP? Love it. *cannot stop staring*

Jessica Bell said...

Hahaha! Great answer! :o)

Leigh Caron said...

Hmm? If I were a man for a day...I'd apologize for being a putz to all the women I led on. Wait! Does that sound too mean?