Again a huge thanks to all those who participated and for all those who took the time to blog hope and give your guesses! 61 of you joined in on the fun... Did you hear me??? 61!!! Without you this would not have been a success!! So make sure to visit the others!!
Isn't this the perfect way to end the week? Revealing the characters!! Were you close? Did you get anything right?
I've provided two pictures and I will tell you a little bit about my character and help with descriptions, since let's face it, my character isn't as good looking as the actress I'm about to show you!
Sadie Jones is played by the lovely and talented Selena Gomez. Yes my character was indeed a girl.
Real Description of Sadie:
Long black hair, unlike her mother's adorable blonde locks. Blue eyes, the only trait her mother happened to pass down. Short in height and an oval face that didn't help her fit in either. As far as clothing goes earth friendly is an understatment, it's almost earth friendly meet hobo style... but that's all about to change when she moves to Cascade.
A little more info on Sadie:
Sadie isn't your typical teenager, She's a witch. (Ironic I know. I hadn't realized Selena was the oh so fabulous actress who played on the Wizards of Waverly, but hey guess it was just meant to be! *focus jen focus*) What makes matters worse is that she's also the girl that nobody likes, the one the Queen Bee (Stacy Finnegan & Veronica - who you've yet to meet) can't help but pick on her (PS they've already made this judgement before they even knew she was a witch! I know, I know! I can't believe it either!). Which is why she wants to murder Stacy Finnegan.

When Sadie is kicked out of school her mother decides it's time to move on and start a new life. She takes Sadie to a small town in Iowa where they must start over. This time Sadie has a plan, to take down the Queen Bee before she takes down Sadie. Problem is the new Queen Bee is Veronica, and she's got a secret of her own. Nothing in Sadie's world is ever easy.
Below I decided Sadie should give her best impression of the prissy Queen Bee pose, I think she rocked it don't you?

So were you close? Way off? I had a lot of fun reading your responses and my absolutely favorite was Nicole Ducleroir's answer! She guessed it spot on... Selena Gomez was her entry! Way to pick my character Nicole!
dang I was wrong again!
sigh. I shoulda stopped while I was ahead.
Jen, this blogfest was sooooo much fun! Thank you for pulling it all together!
I saw so many entries yesterday, I don't even remember my guess.
This is great Jen!Thanks!
Love this--it was so much fun!
Have a great weekend!
Shoot I can't even remember what I guessed, oh well, this is still loads of fun, thanks Jen!
Today's guest blogger is Renae Mercado!
aw man i was off here too!!! (i haven't gotten a single one right so far!!))
that kid CRACKS me up!
NO WAY?! When I scrolled to the first photo I thought, didn't I say Selena?? That's too hilarious!
I'd say it's more a testament to your writing, though. You channeled her essence beautifully, for me!
Thanks for the fun!
hi miss jen! i did pretty good except for her hair color. i got the blue eyes and her shape and pretty close to her age. it was lots of fun. now i gotta go look what i said and then say how wrong i was. ha ha.
...hugs from lenny
I wasn't completely close, was I? Haha. Oh well, it just goes to show that we don't have control over the way people see our characters, and that's okay. As long as someone can connect with them, that's all that matters. And each person did, in their own way. Great, fun idea, Jen!
Perfect. She makes a great queen bee and could totally pull off the witch look.
61! What a great turn out. I tried to get to everyone's last night but I ran out of time. Hope I can at least see all the reveals later tonight.
GREAT BLOGFEST! Thanks again.
Great character, Jen! Yes, Selena rocked that pose. :)
Thanks so much for the fun blogfest, Jen - it was a huge success!
Aw, I love Selena Gomez! She's adorable, and I love the Queen Bee pose :) I love the concept of your novel--poor Sadie. Can't wait to read more about her!
Thank you SO much for this blog fest, Jen--it was incredibly fun! And yay for 61 people participating! You're quite the impressive hostess :)
Missed it...but I really like your choice!
This blogfest was sooooo much fun! Thank you for putting it together Jen!
I totally missed blogs yesterday, but that's so cool that someone guessed Selena!
Oh awesome! I was off, but oh well. :) This blogfest was such a fantastic idea, thank you SO much for hosting it! And the Queen Bee pose is great. :D
I had to go back and peek and I was totally wrong--but Selena is perfect!
I'm a miss on this one but she's cute. Good description.
I my gosh Jen, she is adorable! I can't wait to read more about her, love the poses! Perfect.
This has been such a fun blogfest! I'm trying to get to as many as I can before work! Yikes I need to take the day off!
Thanks again Jen!
I don't remember what I said either:/ But Selena is so cute!
Oh man! I missed it, but she is a great character! =)
I missed posting yesterday due to blip on the system, my comment I see vanished.
But today's reveal is lovely - so cute!
I was probably way off! Great character and this blogfest was so much fun! thanks jen!
I would never have been able to guess correctly either.
I totally commented yesterday, but I don't see my comment now. I pictured her with long very straight flyaway hair, and thin with baggy clothes. Love so Selena - she's perfect for your witch character. Thanks for hosting Jen - this was way fun.
Thats really neat, Go Nicole at guessing very well! Thanks for showing off her looks Jen!
So, being absent from the blog world the past two days has really put me at a disadvantage, since I didn't get to play along with this brilliant blog fest! But I just wanted to congratulate you on such a successful one, and say that I love the idea! :)
Very close to how I pictured her...except I imagined blue eyes. Other than on.
I like your choice. She's adorable.
Happy weekend!
Brilliant! She's so cute! And thanks again for hosting this! It's been so much fun!
I was way off, but I LOVE the sound of your story! I want to know more!
Love the hippie aspect, love that she's rebelling against that, and love her attitude. Excellent, Jen!
Thanks again for hosting. You've done a brilliant job.
Excellent--I totally see it. Yay! this was a fun game~ :o)
Oh, man..Selena Gomez totally fits Sadie =D
Hi, Jen. I didn't make it yesterday, but I just read your entry. I love, love, love the voice!! What a strong and colorful character!
Thanks for hosting this. It was so much fun and just what I needed this week. Great idea! :-)
i can totally see it! nice!
Wow! I was WAY off! But reading over your snippet, Selena Gomez is a perfect fit! Thanks again for hosting such a fun blogfest!
So much for lifeless brown hair--lol!! Thanks for hosting this, Jen, it was WAAAAY fun! :)
I was way off again! I don't know why I keep picturing your characters as red heads, lol. Love the description though!! This was TONS of fun. Seriously. Thanks for doing this awesome blogfest!
well, I couldn't have been more wrong, but Selena is a real cutie. Good choice!
I missed all the fun but I think it's so cool that so many people participated! And I love the descriptions you gave.
Ha! Yeah, I'm pretty sure my guess was nowhere close. But I love that actress! She's beautiful.
Thanks for hosting this! It was amazing.
I think my guess was nowhere close, but shes soooo adorable!
I had so much visiting so many of these posts! Great blogfest :)
I was way off ... again ... but I really like your choice! :)
As always, I was off. /:
Fabulous blogfest! I would so enter it again.
The ghost of Sherlock Holmes is disgusted with me. LOL.
Thanks for providing such a blast of a blogfest. It's obvious that everyone involved had a great time -- me included.
You were a trooper to read and comment on each and every one of the participants. And they were heartfelt and intelligent comments, too, not just hastily scribbled generic ones.
Again, thanks, Roland
Sigh...I was wrong, again. lol. This was so much fun though.
Now I've seen a picture I can totally picture Sadie :)
Ha! My guess was off the mark but I have to say Sadie is lovely - she'll make a good little witch!!
Thanks so much for hosting such a great blogfest - it was my first and I thoroughly enjoyed it. ;))
Oh, dang, I wasn't in time to guess. But I would have been wrong anyway! LOL!!!
I really enjoyed this fest. Thank you for holding it!
And your pic is such a pretty girl. A old soul and future heartbreaker. I hope she suceeds in her mission!
So she looks like Selena Gomez?
I was almost close, with the hair, not the eyes though. I thought they were green, not blue.
Oh, fun to meet your character! I love seeing what they look like. And what a fun idea for a blogfest!
Hehe, I was very wrong in my guess! Thank you so much for this blogfest, it has been so so much fun and introduced me to loads of great new blogs.
Hey mine wasn't too bad a guess! Woot! I guess a young Winona Ryder. I think I spelt her name wrong, but anyway :o) Thanks for hosting!!! It was real run!!!
Oooh, good choice! I like her :) THis was so much fun Jen! I'm glad you did this!
Your blog is awesome! Thanks for following mine :)
You know what? I can totally picture you character as Selina. Great description! And great blogfest! Have a great weekend!!
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