Thursday, August 19, 2010

Guess that Character!

It's Here!!! It's Here!!! My first ever blog fest! I want to thank everyone who decided to join in on the fun! To those who have done a blog fest before and those who are new, you are all welcome and loved!

I promise that I will visit each and every one of you!!! So who has all decided to join on the fun?? All these awesome participants!

This is a two day fun fest!

Day one (yes, that would be today) everyone will share a piece of their story and your job is to guess what you think their main character looks like!!!

Day two (yes, that would be tomorrow) everyone will do the big reveal and that's where the reactions take place!

This is the perfect time to learn what people really think your character looks like!!! So enough chit chat... LeT's GeT sTaRtEd!!!!

sNiPpEt Of SaDiE

I wanted to murder Stacy Finnegan. I gave her the biggest death glare I could muster, it didn't make a difference, that ice princess wasn’t phased. Of course, it didn’t help that I was the freak in the school. Being the “new” kid and having a mom who bought only earth friendly clothing, aka rugged jeans and ugly colored t-shirts, didn’t make fitting in easy. My mom hadn’t listened to my feelings, not that she ever had she preferred torturing me. I begged her to move and it's not like we hadn't done it before. She was notorious for having our bags packed without any kind of warning always telling me that the "earth" told her it was time. Yeah, that's my mom, the biggest hippie on the planet. Trust me, it’s a nightmare. Why couldn’t the earth look out for me this time?

When I was younger I would cry, beg her to stay but she said it would only happen when she’d been told. Yeah if a tree started talking to me I would want to run too, no wonder my dad left. He never understood her, or me. The day he left she gave up her gift; the magic she once loved and shared disappeared. She’d spend hours outside working on the latest mosaic piece that we could have sold for money, but she said the earth had bigger plans for it. I don’t know if I would call bigger plans making it a pathway to her work space, but whatev’s I'm not the expert.

EnD oF SnIpPeT

Give me your best guess!!! What does she look like? Come back tomorrow for the big reveal!!! Check out all the other awesome entries as well!!


Bethany Elizabeth said...

What a character, I love her already! :) Um... as far as appearances go... maybe dark hair, usually messy in a cute way but not dirty, very expressive eyes. For some reason I sort of see the rest of her appearance being swallowed by her hair and eyes and, of course, the earth friendly clothing. :)

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen! here goes... i think shes 16 and sorta skinny and a little tall. shes got short blonde hair and those real pircing blue eyes those kind that could cut you. shes wearing her jeans and t shirt real tight and shes got on sneakers. this is fun!
...hugs from lenny

Unknown said...

She looks like Dakota Fanning in The Secret Life of Bees. It's the picture I got during the first paragraph. Very cute but rough around the edges.

Clara said...

Hum, I picture her in dark hairs, big expressive eyes. White, sarcastic, inteligent and very, very meticulous!

Susan Fields said...

Great character - I love her voice! I'll guess she has straight brown hair, big expressive blue eyes, and pale skin. She's thin and eats only natural foods (because of her mother, of course). Thanks for hosting, Jen!

Amie McCracken said...

Dark, short, messy hair. Very clean and well-ordered clothing, but a wide, open face hidden behind a pair of glasses. Her mind is strong, but she's shy on the outside.

Emily White said...

I'm going to guess long, brunette hair, fairly slender, and green eyes. Age: hmmm...maybe 16?

Vicki Rocho said...

I see dirty blonde hair...that dreadful spot between really blonde and kinda brown...mid-length and slightly wavy so it always looks like it needs brushing.

A little on the short side, wearing the dorky clothes her mom buys but spunky enough to make them more of an armor than a target. blue-gray eyes.

Christine Danek said...

Thanks for hosting, Jen!
Stacy-Long, dark hair and dark eyes (maybe dark brown,)pale skin.
His mom-Long, brown hair,maybe some split hairs, green eyes,olive skin.
There you go--can't wait till the reveal!

Creepy Query Girl said...

k, I don't know why but I'm seeing an olive complexion with brown eyes and hair with gold highlights and maybe a curl or wave to it. No particular reason, I just see someone really earthy despite the resentment of the whole hippie thing in her tone.

Lorna said...

Ooooh, okay. I see the character as female, having curly hair maybe in a dirty-blonde sort of colour, reaching slightly below her shoulders. Her skin is white but either freckly or slightly tanned due to her hippy lifestyle. Eyes, a kind of hazel colour, and maybe she wears glasses. Average height, slim but not athletic, wearing "earthy" clothes. I think she's quite reserved and shy on the outside, maybe a bit embarrassed by her mum, but inside is very shrewd, witty and able to sum people up quickly.

Christina Lee said...

OOh so fun! I see dirty blond hair, green eyes and rough around the edges! ;--)

Lorna said...

Hmmm, although, having read it through again, I think maybe it could be a boy after all...

Lindsay said...

Yay! The day is here...

I love the voice in this one. I think it's a girl (I bet I'm so wrong. lol). I see her as a tomboy, with auburn hair -- that she doesn't do too much with -- brown eyes and pale skin.

Am I close....

Off to check out everyone elses now :)

DL Hammons said...

I see Kat Dennings, the girl from Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist. Kind of plain jane, but still has this adorable quality about her. :)

Unknown said...

I see Selena Gomez, for some reason! I picture a small stature teen, willowy with stick-like legs, and a thick mass of long, brunette hair cascading down her back. She's the kind of girl that pulls off wearing faded jeans and a simple, army-green t-shirt, and looks amazing.

Speaking of an amazing look -- I love your new blog layout! The header is FAB!!

Francine Howarth said...


Oh hell, this is good fun.

Guessing now: She's a feisty wild child with with dark brown long mane, she's incredibly pretty but hides behind hair curtains, her eyes sapphire blue orbs, her figure stunning but shrouded by over-sized shirts and she's wearing too tight jeans and stiletto heels because on the inside, a sophisticat is screaming to escape and become a movie star, or model, or anything that earns big bucks and can get her a home all her own!

Renae said...

Love her already! I'm picturing long mousy brown hair, very basic style-jeans and t-shirt type. Not a real girly's that? I'm a horrible guesser!
Thanks for this blog-fest Jenn, it has been so much fun so far.

Paigeewa said...

I see Sadie has having thin, wavy red hair that falls to her shoulders, blue eyes, on the tall side of short (about 5'3'') with a slender build that looks smaller because of her baggy clothes. I also see her having slightly crooked front teeth, but that just makes her really cute. She's pretty, but doesn't dress that way, but has a lot of fashion know how!

Great entry, fun blogfest! Thanks for it!

vic caswell said...

great blogfest jen! the entries have been super fun so far!!

the visual i got on sadie (ADORE the name btw!!) derives from the visual of the mother, but adjusted according to rebellion. sadie is more of a tomboy- eats meat just to stick it to her mom, has impecable hygiene, and just wants to be normal. her hair is red, she keeps it in a bob, her clothes never fit right- too loose, she's flat chested, her eyes are green, and she is covered in freckles... close at all???

Diana Mieczan said...

How fun...I love her already...She is probably tall, skinny and very tomboysh...with light brown hair... She loves to wear jeans and oversized tees:)

Kisses,sweetie...Thanks so much for the fun post:)

Unknown said...

Loving Sadie already -- and I've secretly loved that NAME for years!

I'm picturing a tall, lanky blonde (been guessing blonde all day) with long, somewhat unkempt hair. Maybe curls. Her eyes are big and green and her skin is tanned. I kinda agree with Dory on the Dakota Fanning thing!

JournoMich said...

Mousy, brown hair, sun-blown (never styled) hair. Freckles. Beautiful eyes--bright green or blue, but devastatingly beautiful.

Great blogfest. Check out mine!

Blogfest on SouthernCityMysteries

Terry Stonecrop said...

I see big brown eyes and straight light brown hair, shoulder length.

She tries to make her plain clothes look cool by knotting up her t-shirts and adding other accessories, earrings and whatnot.

Love her thoughts! This is fun, Jen:)

Jessica Bell said...

Thanks for hosting this awesome blogfest Jen! Sorry I'm a bit late on commenting. I've had such a BUSY freaking day! But I'm here now :o)

Well, have you ever seen Mermaids (no it's not about mermaids), an early 90s film, with Cher, Danny DeVito, and Winona Ryder? Well she Sadie sounds exactly like Winona Ryder in this movie. Winona was Cher's daughter. So I'm guessing she looks a little like she did when she was a teen! :o)

Guess my character correctly and win a prize!

j.leigh.bailey said...

I'm picturing Ellen Page from the movie Juno. Kind of petite, casual/careless hair (medium lenght, brown) generally walking through the halls with her head down so as not to draw extra attention to herself. Probably wearing casual clothes with just a little bit of funkiness to express her personality.

Unknown said...

She reminds me of the smart-mouthed pregnant teenager in the movie Juno...lanky, a little messy.

Thanks for hosting the fest, and for your visit!

Hope to read more about this character...

Brenda Drake said...

Great fun. Love the voice. I see your MC with wavy dark hair, light eyes, and plump lips. She doesn't do much to her appearance and her clothes are on the earthy hippie side (since her mom buys them). She doesn't shy away though because instead of backing off she gives Stacy a death glare. Her hidden beauty/strength/magic is begging to strike out.

Jillian said...

Oh wow Jen!! Amazing snippet!

She is 15. She has dark brown hair that she keep in a ponytail. She has a cute girlish figure but you would never know from the unflattering fit of her clothing.

She wears absolutley no makeup except for the cherry chapstick she keeps on hand.

She lives in tennis shoes and cheap clothing but would die for a shopping trip to the mall.

She is beautiful but doesn't think so. Underneath her tough I don't give a crap attitude is a bright fun loving teenage girl dying to break free.

Jillian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carolyn V. said...

Hum...Brown hair, dark eyes, short. AM I even close? I can't wait to find out tomorrow! =)

Bish Denham said...

Red hair, green eyes obviously dressed in "earth friendly" clothes or maybe thrift shop clothes. I see her was wanting to be invisible, but standing out. Perhaps she's a bit taller than her peers and angular.

Matthew MacNish said...

I'm picturing Hannah (or is it Anna?) Sophia-Robb from Bridge to Terbithia, but with darker hair, and frumpier clothing. I figure there's a rocking young chick waiting to burst forth once mom let's go of having to dress her.

Leigh Caron said...

I see Christina Ricci

Margo Berendsen said...

To offset the ugly earth-friendly clothes, she's sure to have perfect hair, wavy blonde and cut very stylish. She's going to wear makeup- not too much but just perfect and she'll have perfectly arched eyebrows but maybe just the slightest mascara smear (um, you didn't say how old she was but she SOUNDS like a young teenager, maybe 14). I also just pictured her with a bit of a dimple in her cheek.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Black page boy hair, that falls delicately around a heart shaped face and rosebud lips. Startling blue eyes. Petite and lost in oversized shirts, with a quilt napsack to carry her books. (Hugs)Indigo

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness, I love this voice! This is a girl I definitely want to meet, and I'm intrigued by her mother's power--I have to know more!

I think she's got blond hair in a jagged, edgy cut, full lips, big blue eyes. She's tall but not super tall, thin but curvy, and has a tendency to smirk. Can't wait to see how you see her! Thanks so much for this blog fest--it's so much fun!!!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

My first impression was thick, dark hair -- the kind that is kinky but too long to curl. She can't work it into any fashionable style because her mom refuses to "sap her strength" by cutting it. It's all one length and a mess to work with.

She has a round face and pretty eyes, maybe hazel. I think she wears glasses, and of course her figure is hidden behind the awful loose, hippie clothing her mother buys her.

Amy Saia said...

The earthy theme makes me think she'd be sort of golden-haired, tan, green eyes. But if she is rebelling form her mom, she could be goth. Sounds very interesting Jen!

Lex said...

So I'd thought I'd join in and guess!

I think she's in her teens. Red, curly hair. Bright green eyes. Round face speckled with freckles. She might wear glasses. The rectangular ones.

J.C. Martin @ Fighter Writer said...

My first thought: Anne Hathaway in the Princess Diaries, before the makeover. Mousey brown hair, probably wears glasses and would be much prettier without. Hazel eyes? I dunno why. Eyebrows a bit wild, would love gorgeous when plucked. Hides a decent figure under baggy clothing.

Hanna C. Howard said...

Overgrown blond, wavy hair (Mom won't cut it, for earthy-reasons); enormous brown eyes, scrawny in that wonderfully endearing way; short, but getting ready to sprout up as soon as she stops eating tofu and puts on a little weight. :) I like her!

Kittie Howard said...

I totally agree with Bethany (your first comment)...except I'd add that her eyes wouldn't miss anything, the kid on the outside who saw everything but said little. Jen, this is a super with her!

Crystal Cook said...

Jen I miss reading your stuff too! You write such magical stuff :) I love this, her voice is perfect!!

I think she is tall and thin, really thin, but like in a graceful supermodel way :)

I think she has long red hair that's wavy, and she has sharp green eyes.

And she's cute, in a tom boy kind of way.

Miss you!!! :)

Jemi Fraser said...

I'm really enjoying the entries in your blogfest, Jen! Great idea - congrats on it being such a hit! :)

Okay - I think she's tall and willowy. Because she's anti-hippie, I'll say her hair is short & sleek - dark - dyed black. :)

Summer Ross said...

teenager maybe 14 or 15, shes athletic, bright blue eyes, light brown wavy long hair rarely done anything with. shes saucy, I like her. atleast I think its a her.

LTM said...

for some reason I'm picturing Natalie Portman in that movie w/Susan Sarandon where the moved all the time... That's probably wrong...

I'm also picturing Dakota Fanning in The Secret Life of Bees...!

BAH!!! I guess that covers both possibilities. ;p great writing, m'dear!

Jean Michelle Miernik said...

Thanks for hosting the fun! I would guess that she is skinny, with long, messy hair in a dull color from dishwater blonde to medium brown. Eye color? Nothing striking, not very dark or light. Maybe medium brown or grey eyes.

Nicole Murray said...

I see pretty eyes framed by dark or mousy colored hair cut my her mother. I see the cloths, but she adjusts them in her own way. She is swallowed up by them on a thin frame that hasnt developed yet.

I think she is a survivor with a bit of snark. I think she understand her mother more than she lets on but is too angry and too 'teen' to let on right now.

Great bit. I feel the YA angst. I would love to know more about the 'magic' I think she and her mother shares.

And thank you for hosting this blogfest. ;-D

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Sadie is slender from refraining to eat all those organic foods prepared without flavor by her mother.

Her hair is slightly unkempt from her mother refusing to buy those earth-destroying hair sprays and gels.

To make Sadie even more of a target and thus feel more of a freak, she is taller than most in her class. Her eyes are intelligent and hurt and sad.

I see her as brunette, making her feel once again like Nature was going out of its way to make her feel mousey.

How did I do?

Diane J. said...

To me Sadie is a smidge taller than average height and thin with just slight curves, she mousy brown hair that is stick straight (I'm assuming her mother doesn't spend on fancy extras like hair products), and eyes that are bluish-gray. But she's not a wall flower, she is more like Susan Dey from her Partridge Family days.

Diane J. said...

Hahaha, I was just reading through some of the responses (I have to answer before I read or I start picturing everyone else's vision) and Roland and I are smack dad on the same page, LOL

Elizabeth Mueller said...

LOL! I'm so glad you said "what does she look like?" cause I was going to say something like an Emo boy!! LOL...

But it changes everything when you say she...

I'm thinking honey-color eyes, fair complexion, lifeless brown hair.

Hmmm. We'll see tomorrow! Thanks for the fun Fest! :)

Rose Cooper said...

Hi Jen!! Yay i'm so glad today is the day! Okay, I love this character and in this short snippet I've already gotten a sense of her and her mom, you're a terrific writer!

I say Sadie is the opposite of hippie. She has shortish red hair, wavy, that flows to about her shoulders or right above. It's more frizzy than smooth at times. She has very fair skin and a huge smile that could light up a room. I'm picturing a bit of Molly Ringwald.

Can't wait to find out!

Candyland said...

Messy, dingy blonde hair. No makeup. Dresses in unisex looking clothes. Skinny. Pale skin. I'm hungry. Whoops.

Unknown said...

I think Sadie's a teenager with red-brown hair, freckles, and hazel eyes. She wears light makeup and tries to dress stylishly, but she's limited by her wardrobe. Not especially artistic. She just wants some normalcy in her life.

How close am I? :D

Talei said...

Hi Jen!!

Thanks for your awesome comment on my entry! Loved it!! ;)) You totally rock!!

Now our young Sadie, I'm picturing a young lady, ahem teenager, very intelligent. Naturally beautiful, doesn't require make-up, loves the outdoors even though her Mom and mother earth annoy the heck out of her. She has long light brown hair which she pulls back into a ponytail and beautiful blue eyes which people don't see often as she rarely makes eye contact.

Can't wait for tomorrow!! ;))

Stephanie said...

I'm getting a Lindsey Lohan in the beginning of Mean Girls vibe! Obviously this girl is very natural no dye job, no makeup. I'm sure she's thin- her mom is probably all about healthy foods...probably even vegetarians or vegans.

Anonymous said...

I'd say Sadie has shoulder-length light-brown hair with green eyes. She wears no make-up and feels self-conscious when she looks as if she's been "done up."

Lisa Gail Green said...

Here goes nothing - She's average height, glossy brown long hair and pretty face but doesn't wear a lot of makeup. How'd I do??

Kristin Rae said...

Congrats on the blogfest!

Fun character, this Sadie! I think she has long brown hair that her mom wont let her cut, brown eyes, maybe a few freckles on her cheeks. oversized ugly clothes her mom makes her wear--maybe soon she will learn to change into something more trendy every day when she gets to school? lol.

Amie McCracken said...

You have 61 comments and 61 entrants. Cool.

I think I got around to everybody (well everybody that posted when I looked). Can't wait to see the photos and descriptions tomorrow!!!

This was awesome Jen. Thanks for hosting it.

Lola Sharp said...

Brown hair, blue eyes, 15-16 years old, pretty.

I look forward to seeing tomorrow's reveal. :)

BK Mattingly said...

Okay, I see her with brown hair, in a Jennifer Aniston type style. A round face with smaller eyes that are magnified slightly by glasses that fit her funky style. I also see her as having something she always wears that her mother wouldn't approve of, I'm not sure what, but I guess I see a bit of rebel in her.

Ezmirelda said...

Long darkn brown wavy hair and summer green eyes. I seirusly saw this in my hea while I was reading. Oh, and she was wearing a green shirt too.

Cool blogfest, I'm going to have to participate in the next one though. I'm having so much fun guessing other people's characters. This was an awesome idea!

kah said...

First, thanks for such a fun blogfest. This has been so much fun.

Second, I'm picturing a tomboyish version of Nina Dobrev. She'd get along great with my character Louise from The Kindrily. ;)

Unknown said...

She's a blond with a soft face with overly feminine features, like a small nose and high cheekbones. Her eyes are blue and are the most prominent thing about her face. Her hair is long because her mother refuses to let her cut it, but she wears in soft curls as an act of rebellion. She plays up her features with blush and lipstick, since her face is something she feels like she has control over.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Well, this looks like a ton of fun, and I see you posted it before 5:30, as in the MORNING:) Ah, Youth! The person in the snippet sounds a bit like.....hee! My kids thought of me as a fringe hippy and I am sure I embarrassed them lots when they were young! Thank you for stopping by my blog. Am glad you found it fun, you must have missed the depressing poems about the planet I've been writing (dont look!!!) I answered you on there but wasnt sure you'd be back, so wanted to thank you for your visit. So glad I stopped by, looks like you are all having a blast in here! Way to be!

Erin Kane Spock said...

She wants to blend in. Probably has terrible posture and wears shapeless clothes. Her hair had probably never been cut before she got frustrated and took scissors to it, leaving a crooked, blunt edge just past her shoulders and jagged bangs that fall in her face too much.

Beth Fred said...

17 long brunette hair, slender build, average height, brown eyes

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I'm guessing 14. Earthy, but doesn't want to be. She has a desire to be a sophisticated artsy, designer dressed hottie...mid length hair, ash blonde. Probably a bit akward with boys and social situations.

Talli Roland said...

Oh, poor Sadie! I'm picturing here very thin and wiry, with a lot of unruly sandy hair and big green expressive eyes.

Such an empathetic character, Jen!