For those looking for the AwEsOmE Cyn Balog, check out her interview HERE!
This post is just a little something special, just for me, which I think is well deserved!!!
So let's get to it... Who needs sleep? Seriously, with all the awesome novels, character collages, revisions and first drafts you're working on, who the hell needs to sleep, let alone has TIME to sleep.
So what are my plans tonight??
Character Collages!!!

Deciding what book to read!!!!
So many decisions!!! Woohoo!!! My favorite thing!!!
So what are your plans this evening?!
I'm actually going to make dinner for my husband. What a concept, huh? I'm finishing my last revision of my novel. I have my new WIP mapped out and I might stop revising to do character collages for it. That sounds like a lot of fun. With chocolate or wine or both, whichever. :D
Writing! First draft mode is still in full swing!
I love your choices for books, by the way. Nicey nice!
Homework and reading "A Bitched Named Karma"
Hehe. I'm actually going to sleep sweetheart! Its a hair away from midnight here and I may turn into a pumpkin if don't run for the covers now!
Happy writing and reading!! I am impressed with your two posts today.
G'night x
Yep, who needs sleep is my thoughts exactly. It's midnight here in the UK, and I'm working on edits.
Fantastic book selection. You are right, they are soooo pretty :)
Sit. And. Do. Nothing:)
I'm flying down to Texas, and sneaking into your place through a window in back and snagging some of that bookage. Hey...perhaps we could trade?
Hoping to get a little reading in, but need to tackle lesson plans first. Hope you enjoy the book you choose:)
hi miss jen! you really gonna stay up ALL night long? i tried that before. i couldnt do it. me and my brother sebi are housesitting for tony. hes on another book signing tour first to jamaica then las vegas and then to chicago. he got on tv and on the radio and in the paper in jamaica yesterday. cathy his wife is gone with him. we got the big pool and gigantical tv with wii games and tons of movies til they get back in 3 weeks. hooooray! haha maybe im gonna stay up all night tonight.
...smiles and hugs from lenny
Your book choices look pretty tough, good luck!!! And I love your character collages. Me? Parent newsletter, cubby labels with pics, and SLEEP!!!!!!
Hmmm let me see, book edits, then read Paranormalcy...more book edits, you get the idea.
And you are soooo right. Sleep is so overrated. And your books are simply divine!
I feel like I got more sleep in college than I'm getting recently! All this rewriting and book reading - I'm with you! Who has time to sleep? I'm making a huge pot of veggie bean soup tonight that will last a few nights so I can spend all my time rewriting! Although, late tomorrow afternoon, I have to take Lily to work - she's going to bring some smiles to some troubled teen faces in a group home! Then it's back to rewriting. :-)
totally writing tonight. First draft deadline is tonight.. eek!
A cool bath and then to bed to read my book. Been a long second day back at work. Wrecked!
Wishing you happy decision making.
powering down the pc, because mondo storms are heading our way, then it's mockingjay!!!
Hmmm...cook, dish, read blogs, read books and sleep (hopefully all night). Enjoy your night!
Right now, I'm watching "Mars Attacks" with my husband and son. This movie makes me laugh every time I see it. Sick, I know.
Get some sleep soon!
Laundry, dishes, mindless tv. Revisions to the ms tomorrow!
you need to read that nekkid book. I've been waiting for your goodreads update on that one... reow! :D
Read, edit, probably write a bit today....your evenings are my mornings! Your evening looks awesome.
indeed, who needs sleep? not me apparently, being wide awake at midnight and working hard on my current wip - but maybe it's the heat. maybe it's not who needs sleep but rather who can sleep when it's frakking 90 degrees out and the mere thought of laying down makes you sweat. I think I'll just write.
I probably shouldn't admit this, but, uh... I need sleep. Last night I finished one novel and actually got a good night's sleep for the first time in a long time. Most nights I lie awake thinking about my WIP. Or what I'm reading. Today I'm sufficiently rested to get something done. :D
I plan to rob a bank – or maybe watch TV. I’ve not decided yet.
Have a nice day, Boonie
I do character collages - they're so much fun and very inspiring.
Which book did you decide on?
You have such an awesome TBR pile--I'm jealous! And those collages are so cool. I stole your idea and have been compiling images for my new WiP, but I haven't gotten to the collage stage yet :) Good luck!
Hahah I adore you.... I know exactly how you feel.
I have found that when I don't get sleep, people do not like me... moreso than usual.
Plans for tonight? Duh, Man V. Food is on!!!
Happy decision-making! <3
You are so funny! I need to get some new books to read. Oh, and I love your character collages. So creative you are! Whoa! For a minute there I sounded like Yoda!
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