Tuesday, August 17, 2010

You like my look?


I know double posts... it's like a theme these days, but I've been having trouble loving my blog and I was looking for some honest opinions.

Okay not really, I just want you to tell me that you like my sexy new look and then call it day.

Is it easier to navigate?

Easy on the eyes?

You like the colors?

Does it seem like me?

Okay after you're done giving me the confidence I'm in need of, go check out my real post for the day. I give you Tully.


Bish Denham said...

It is easy on the eyes...like the web-page look. But it too wide for my wide screen, have to scroll to see both sides.

Bethany Elizabeth said...

Absolutely love it! The colors are great and it's easy to read. My first thought, "Oooh! Pretty!" :)

Summer Ross said...

it is easier to navigate and easier to read. I think it looks good though, it seems to be a little more bland than your personality, I tend to see you with some kind of sauciness or spark in life. :) just my two cents

Diana Mieczan said...

I love the new look...The colours are great...Its for sure easier to navigate and all over a cutie:)


Jillian said...

I adore it!! Very nice to look at very fresh and inspirng. Love the colors. it is very clean, excellent choice!

Hanna C. Howard said...

Ooh, yes. Love it. I tend to choose heavier colors, and then realize I shouldn't have because it's easier to stare at something bright and light.

Like this!

Well done. It's fun and pretty AND inviting to read.

Christina said...

I love it! Fresh, modern and easy to navigate!

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss jen! yep i like it lots. i didnt see that pretty border til i moved your page over some. for me its real neat. i all ready said some stuff about tully.
...hugs from lenny

LTM said...

I like it a lot. I'm thinking of revamping my look as well--to make it easier to read...

where'd you get this template?

it's very purdy~ ;p

Shelley Sly said...

Personally, I like it! It's easy on the eyes and very fun and pretty.

Also, I like Tully's entry for today! Makes me want to read the story!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog -- have loved it from the beginning. But I totally understand the need for change. I think it's you from the tippy top to the very bottom. :)

But what matters most is if YOU find it lovable.

<3 you.

Rose Cooper said...

Okay, I'll be totally honest. I like it but at the same time I feel like it's missing something. I think maybe if you had a header it would add that little something extra to top it off. I love the background but depending on peoples computer screen size, they might not always see it so that's why I think a header would look great too. Oh, I love the size and colors too!

Lisa_Gibson said...

I like the light and fun appearance of the blog. I think it's cool.
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Diane J. said...

When I pulled up your blog, I smiled. The colors are great, it made me smile. Easy to read, great layout, I like it.

Jessica Bell said...

It's great! I like it much better! :o)

Are you a writer? Then you MUST enter this CONTEST!

Elana Johnson said...

I like it a lot! I like the brightness and the fun -- very you. :)

Anonymous said...

I really like your new layout. It's simple, cute, and classy, and very easy to read. :)

erica m. chapman said...

Love it! The colors are so light and airy ;o) Very welcoming!

Candyland said...

Yes-this is more *you*

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I like it a lot. It's clear, simple, fun and easy to read. And what's Tully? I guess I'll click on to go see.

Kimberly Franklin said...

Oh, I love it! And it's very easy to navagate too! :)

Melissa Hurst said...

I love the new look! Beautiful colors:)

Erin Kane Spock said...

I've been playing with my format too and I'm still not happy.

I do like this. It's easy to read and has a retro perkiness too it. That said, I don't know you well enough to know if you're perky. All in all, it gives a pleasant, happy ambiance and I like it.

Lindsay said...

Love the new layout. It's pretty. :)

Melissa said...

YEAH. It definitely says Jen to me.

Jolene Perry said...

LOVE it.

Molly Hall said...

Ooh! It's beautiful! Very clean and easy to read. And pretty. : )

Cruella Collett said...

I do like the new look! It is bright, fun and easy to navigate. My only suggestion would be to limit the tabs a little - too many of them can get distracting, especially when the important "contact" and "about" drown a little to the rest. Even if I really like the others too.

But overall - excellent new look! :)

kah said...

It's nice and simple, yet cheery and colorful. I like it. :)

Matthew MacNish said...

I like the look ... but your post column may be too thin. Experiment with it and trying testing some longer posts with pictures to see what they look like. Otherwise the graphics rock!

Jennifer Hillier said...

Love love love your new look! So pretty but still very professional, the perfect mix. Great job, Jen!

Terri Tiffany said...

I like it! Did you change your font cause this one is so easy to read. The whole page reads easier.

Unknown said...

I like the new lay out. It is easy to read and I like the border.

Laura Pauling said...

Thumbs up. I'm looking for a blog make over too!

Carrie Harris said...

This is PURDY.

Yeah, a graphics person I'm not. But I still like it. :)

Terry Stonecrop said...

It's very pretty! Sometimes you just need to change things up:)

Vicki Rocho said...

fresh and fun. I love it. I keep thinking about upgrading mine but (sigh) just haven't gotten around to it yet!

The Words Crafter said...

I like it. It has a fun, happy feel without being overwhelming...

Jennie Bailey said...

LOVE it! It does seem like you, it's easy on the eyes and easy to navigate. You did such a GREAT job! I love the background.

LMB said...

Love the new look- you did a great job with it.

Rachel said...

I love it. It's a great design!

Susan Fields said...

I love your sexy new look! It's fun tweaking with the design, but it makes me nervous. I'm afraid I'll end up erasing ths whole thing.

Jaydee Morgan said...

Yep, I see you when I see this blog design. I think it's perfect!

Renae said...

Very pretty and easy to read. I love it!

Karen Lange said...

Love it! :)

Laura S. said...

It's great, Jen! I like how you have two sidebars. Is that the template? It looks really good!

Robyn said...

I'm liking the background a lot!

and you're not forgotten either!
I've just been racing in and out of town, and not updating things as much as I should be :D
Hello again!


Eva said...

Lovely new look. Very easy on the eyes.

Kristin Rae said...

love the new banner! great job!

Tiana Smith said...

Very cute! I go through changes on my blog a lot too, it's like rearranging the furniture :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Very nice, Jen! The fonts are nice and easy on the eyes. I like the background too. :)

Julie S said...

I like how it's bright and cheerful.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Love, love, love it!! Especially the header!! :-)

Robert Guthrie said...

A lot here, but clean. I like it.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I love the great new look. I especially love the title bar. Nice work!

Talli Roland said...

I love your new look, Jen! I have to admit I wasn't a massive fan of the italic in your previous design - but because I love you I persevered! :) This is much easier on the eyes for sure.

Leigh Caron said...

Simply marvelous!

vic caswell said...

easy on the eyes (and i have very sensitive eyes), playful, whimsical, fresh, funny, and fun! totally fits you!

Ezmirelda said...

Great tips! I love your blog. I'm looking around and trying to figure things out. The Guess That Character Blogfest sounds pretty interesting, and I loved the example you had.

Stephanie said...

Well, you know my thoughts on the subject of blog looks! LOVE it! very expressive and easy to read. X, O -