Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Losing Sanity

Johanna Garth has stopped in answer some funky questions!!! She's such a sweetheart diving in and getting real with us!

She blogs over at Losing Sanity and has a novel titled Losing Beauty!!! It's to be released come September so add it to your Goodreads listing!!! Saying she's a rockstar is an understatement!!!!

1. You signed up to bring food for the local summer festival, what food item would you bring?

Pre-book release it would've been a fresh summer fruit salad sprinkled with mint in a pretty bowl. Post-book release it's more like muffins from Costco.

2. How many magnets sit on your fridge? What are you favorites?

No magnets! Not even one, because the thing they don't tell you about stainless steel is that magnets won't stick to it. But I did have five on my toaster oven until they melted.

3. What song do you belt when you’re alone in the car?

Sooo, my daughter just got back from sleepaway camp and the song that we've all been belting (when we're alone and not so alone) is the camp theme song. "We are the Bluebirds small, someday we'll grow up tall, then we'll surprise you all, we are telling youoooo. Camp Namanu sure to shine, all of the time." Fun fact for Beverly Cleary fans: Camp Namanu was a favorite of Ramona Quimby.

4. Have you ever made out at a movie theater?

Jen, I grew up in a small town! There wasn't much to do BESIDES make out in the (one) movie theater.

5. What was the last thing you were grounded for?

See answer to question 4 above. :)

Fun & Random Questions

1. Tire Swing or Slide: Tire Swing.

2. Hearing thoughts or knowing the future: Hearing thoughts.

3. Losing Sleep or Losing Appetite: Does anyone pick losing sleep over losing appetite?

4. Red or White wine: Used to be red but now I get headaches so it's white.

5. Fake candles or real: Real! Because it's so much fun to watch my husband follow me around the house and blow them out when he thinks I'm not looking.

Isn't she awesome!!! Say hello in the comments!!!


Anna Banks said...

Creative questions and clever answers! Well played, ladies. Well played. ;)

Anonymous said...

The movie theater answer cracked me up! Thanks for the interview, this book sounds like it's a clever twist on the Greek myth.

Sarah Tokeley said...

Hi Johanna!

This book looks great, I love Greek myths and legends so this is a 'to-buy' for me.

Excellent questions as always, Jen :)

Hart Johnson said...

Johanna- How do you remember anything with no magnets on your fridge?! Our LIFE is magnetted to our fridge! I'd never remember ANYTHING! Oi!

Very fun questions, Jen!

Kathryn Elliott said...

Thank God, I'm not alone! What is it with husbands and candles? Is there some kind of spousal extinguisher pact they sign pre-marriage? Great post!

Christa Desir said...

Hooray! These are great and fun.

Jess said...

Hi Johanna! Great answers to Jen's questions! Your book cover is gorgeous!

And Miss Jen~ you put the "fun" in "funky"! I tagged you for a meme over at my blog :)

Matthew MacNish said...

Lots of fun, as usual. Hi, Jen!

Johanna Garth said...


Jennifer-it's funny but so true.

Sarah-thank you, thank you!

Hart-I have an entire wall in my kitchen that I covered with cork board.

Kathryn-love the phrase spousal extinguisher and am now going to use it all the time.

Christa-thanks and Jess-thanks for the cover compliment!

Christine Murray said...

Loved the questions and the answers! Fun post :)

Leigh Caron said...

Fun post. I think there ought to be a wine with the label: AHHH! from the No Headache Winey...maybe then I could enjoy wine like so many others do. But when I see a bottle wine...I'm afraid to take the chance.

Samantha May said...

Great interview with very creative questions! Your novel sounds very intriguing *puts on Amazon wishlist*


Talli Roland said...

Awesome! I love that her magnets melted! :)

I'm going to add this to my Goodreads right now.

Connie J Jasperson said...

I like the fact that she owns a toaster-oven. I have always wanted one. (note to self-do not put magnets on toaster-oven should you get one.)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm still laughing about the magnets melting on the toaster!

Abby Fowers said...

She sounds wonderful! I just became her newest blog follower AND found her on twitter! Can't wait to read the book!

Brenda Sills said...

Oh my! You came up with such fantastic questions! Wow! And Johanna gave such fantastic answers! This is one of the best interviews I've read! Thanks Jen and Johanna!

Johanna Garth said...

Em-if you find that vintage please email me ASAP :)

Samantha, Talli and Abby-BIG thanks!!

Connie and Alex: I love my toaster oven even with it's big magnent smear.

Brenda: this WAS such a fun interview...hats off to Jen!!

Jenny Milchman said...

Way cool interview! Love the answer to #4. Now I have camp songs going through my head.

It's true--Johanna is a rock star, and I cannot wait to order my copy of LOSING BEAUTY!!