Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What's your Character ARC

Every writer has a character ARC they work off of. What that character will go through, throughout the novel.

Mine is the struggle to find one’s self.

My characters work through so many emotions through the 100+ pages.

When different genres are involved different situations come into play.

I started writing YA and teenage angst was a big addition. Having to channel my high school days wasn’t always easy.

When I switched to Chick Lit, cocktails and cupcakes ruled my life. Though I love it, there are scenes that are tough (but, hey, that's writing).

However, everything stayed the same. Each character still spent the entire novel finding themselves.

Am I the only that sticks with the same ARC? Are you one to branch out? What is yours?


Jessica Bell said...

My most prominent character arc is dealing with, and overcoming a loss of some sort. Seems to happen them all without actually doing it on purpose!

Leigh Caron said...

My current character's arc (in three books) is finding out how to live on her own terms. She's in her 50's. When all you've done is please everyone else, it's hard to finally please yourself when doing that pi.ses off everyone else in her life.

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

My constant arc is probably the quest for love and self-acceptance. Even when everything else changes, my character is usually looking for those things.

Anonymous said...

I fall into the same character arc in a lot of my writing. I love writing about mothers - their choices and learning to accept those choices (and themselves) made along the way.

Julianna said...

Sometimes I think it is easier to think about character arcs when you think in terms of the GREAT OBSTACLES in life. Sometimes you are well defined person who has discovered quite a lot about oneself but then loss,illness,birth of a baby, or external elements come and affect the character which may change their so well defined opinions. Then the story can become more universal which is what hooks a reader.

Does that make sense... it is very early!

Unknown said...

I know my characters have one but I often don't think about it enough. Each character will only be two-dimensional if they don't have an arc.

Sarah Tokeley said...

My current MC has to learn from her past mistakes, but also to realise what actually those mistakes were. I can't really explain the arc of my last mc, which I guess is why it's been abandoned mid revision!

Sarah Tokeley said...

*it has, not it's. D'oh!

asdfasdfasdf said...

mine's really similiar. i have this list in my head of what my character wants to achieve to find herself and better herself and (somehow) she'll get there!

Bish Denham said...

I think if we look closely most all characters have the same arc. It's the telling that makes it different.

Talli Roland said...

Mine usually have to do with finding something that makes you happy, besides work! :)

Bethany Elizabeth said...

I'm a big overcoming obstacles arc-er. :) ALthough my most recent one is sort of a recovery arc. It's interesting. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think I've set up a pattern of learning to trust.

Amy Saia said...

Okay, let's see . . . Emma has to find out that she can belief in things that are unseen. That life means nothing unless you fight for truth and love.

My other characters ( I write a lot of short stories) have to crawl through all the icky parts of life, sometimes devastating. And sometimes it's the little things that make a big impact.

kah said...

Mine is usually characters finding inner strength and believing in themselves.

Now you've got me wanting a cupcake...and a cocktail.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Hiya Jennifer! I have an arc that I stick with, too! It is that the MC goes through hell and back and then back again and fights to find self. I love growth and inspiring books, but of course I always throw in romance! *sigh*

Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

blank said...

I think i stick wth the same ARC. its the inner struggle, to make the right choices. or in the case with "out of the Ashes", coming to terms with choices and the concequences.