Thursday, August 18, 2011

Yes, I believe in torture

I don't know why I'm torturing myself. Maybe I should walk away from answering my own questions (and yours), but everyone seems to really enjoy it. Seeing as facts about myself seem to entertain all of you (and it's easier) I'll just stick with it.

1. Sarah Pearson asks: Which cartoon character are you?

Minnie Mouse. I adored Mickey when I was a child... still do, so why not be best friends with him!

2. Elana Johnson asks: Do you like brussel sprouts?

Hate them. My dad had me sit at the dinner table with six COLD brussel sprouts (granted they weren't cold at the beginning) until I finished them. Stubbornly they were eaten before bed. Never to be touched again.

3. Lenny asks: If you could spend a whole day with one of your blogger friends who could you wanna be with and why?

This one was SO TOUGH! I really can't choose one, their would be the biggest list ever! However, since I am honestly answering them... I'll go with the first blogger who came to mind: Lindsay Currie. She's the cutest, sweetest, most fun blogger! I adore her to pieces... hop over to her blog and you'll see! And... since I can't name only one I've also chosen Talli Roland, she's my ROCKSTAR bestie as well.

4. Carolyn V. asks: What's your favorite vegetable?

This one is tough too! Man! I LOVE vegetables, I'm a green pepper, red pepper, onion, carrot, brocoli, celery, kind of girl. My fridge is filled with all those goodies!! I make the best vegetable chili with these ingredients!

5. Anonymous asks: What's your favorite part about traveling?

The adventure with my hubby. He keeps me calm and we always have fun on the many adventures we go on! I love getting in the car and just going, seeing where we'll end up!

So, any other questions you want to ask? Care to answer these?

Happy Thursday!


blank said...

oh i love traveling in the car, i remember when i was a child we used to play the left and right game, each person would take it in turn to shout a direction. we ended up on the top of cliffs, fond new towns, got lost, and had a blast. I shoud learn how to drive.....

Diana Mieczan said...

I love this post and I'm not a fan of brussel sprouts as well...hahah..Really love what you said about your hubby in the last point. Totally sweet! Happy Thursday, darling. How is your week so far?

Sarah Tokeley said...

1. Pick a cartoon character who's clumsy and trips over his feet. That's me.

2. Love them. Yes, I'm weird.

3. I'm not touching this one with a bargepole :)

4. I love most veg except for carrots and peppers. Is celery a vegetable? I hate that too.

Jessica Bell said...

Hmmm ... how about this: If you could be a man for a day, what aspect of this would you look forward to the most? hehhee. Yeah, I know. I'm cheeky.

Jemi Fraser said...

I love brussel sprouts! Odd, I know, but Christmas dinner isn't Christmas dinner without them! :)

Unknown said...

Great answers. I hate brussel sprouts too, but love all other veggies. I know it's hard for you but I love hearing your answers.

Bethany Elizabeth said...

You know, I'm not sure I've ever had brussel sprouts... Maybe that's a good thing!

Laura S. said...

Love your answers, Jen! I love veges too! But NOT brussel sprouts. I wouldn't ever even try to get a kid to eat them because I know it'd be futile, LoL.

Meredith said...

I've never had brussel sprouts because my mom hated them when she was growing up. I should probably try them at some point, but they sound so gross!

Emily R. King said...

I adore Minnie Mouse, too. Those questions are great! Oh, and brussel sprouts are yummy, and so very good for you!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

What is it with parents? I have the exact same brussels sprouts horror story.

Unknown said...

Great questions and awesome answers. I didn't hate brussels sprouts but that could be because my mom is a firm believer in butter.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I am SO NOT a vegetable girl! Fun answers, Jen! :-)

Jillian said...

hey! sorry i have been MIA for awhile i just wanted to thank you sooo much for your sweet comment!

Summer Ross said...

Glad to know more about you Jen- I'm also a veggie girl- specially onions and peppers. I hate traveling though- really despise the driving part.

Leigh Caron said...

OOOlala! I'll second Jessica's question. ;)

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Wouldn't it be great to have a Blog Conference and meet all our buddies?

anthony stemke said...

I detest brussel sprouts, and asparagus too.
Enjoyed reading this.

LynNerdKelley said...

I'm with you on the brussel sprouts. Blech! My husband loves them, and he cooks them and they stink up the whole house! I had a similar experience as a kid, only it was peas instead of brussel sprouts!